How to put garden furniture

How to put garden furniture

Easy work on the garden site or giving can deliver many joyful minutes. After such works it is quite good to relax and have a rest, enjoying the comfort inaccessible in the conditions of city bustle. And if you manage to pick up correctly and to arrange rationally convenient garden furniture, then will give true pleasure to yourself and the relatives.


1. Define what garden furniture you want to see at the dacha. Choose quantity and type of furniture taking into account the size of free space and features of landscape. The main requirements to constructions for rest at the dacha – comfort and functionality. If you spend on the garden site much time, take care of stationary designs, at rare visit of giving rather figurative furniture which can be stored in the utility room.

2. Decorate garden interior with bench from granite. Such construction not only will give to the site identity, but also will allow to cool you during heat and to warm in cool time. Granite is unique the fact that it heats up only to certain temperature even in the sun therefore it is possible to establish such bench and on open space.

3. Try to choose "imperceptible" furniture which will not distract you from natural natural beauty for giving. Anyway, at installation of designs you seek to achieve that furniture was in harmony with elements of natural situation on color and form.

4. To it establish table and two-three chairs on lawn in close proximity to entrance to premises. It will allow suit without excess efforts on air light breakfast or dinner. The wide wicker chairs which are combined on color with the same easy table quite will be suitable for these purposes. If desired all mobile set can be moved to other place, for example, in shadow or, on the contrary, on sunny side of garden.

5. If on the site the children's corner is provided, equip it with low benches with images of animals or characters of children's fairy tales. For protection against rain and excess sunlight build wooden "fungus". It is more convenient to place space for childish sports near the house that it was possible to control children without effort.

6. Having furniture, consider that she differently can feel in the open air. Some objects will fade in the sun and to crack, and another neither heat, nor rain is terrible. Plastic and metal furniture can safely be established at edge of the pool or on the bank of natural reservoir.

7. Try to establish "shade-loving" furniture in the closed places, under tent or krone of trees. It is desirable to use the objects weaved out of natural materials in gazebos, without allowing them to be affected by rain.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
