How to put the lock

How to put the lock

Box locks – the most widespread type of locks at the moment. Their reliability directly depends on the number of levers which are turned by key. In the presence of necessary tools, the lock can be put independently.

It is required to you

  • * Lock;
  • * Screws;
  • * Chisel;
  • * Screw driver;
  • * Drill;
  • * Twisted drill;
  • * Level;
  • * Ruler, pencil


1. Put the lock inside to the place of future fastening and note pencil all points of insert, having circled the lock on contour. Note also the place for the well of the lock and height of rod of latch. On the opposite side of door cloth do the same, this time having put outer side. Carry out axis on door edge.

2. Take twisted drill whose diameter is a little more than the lock mechanism, then measure what depth of keyhole and accurately make openings on axis on door edge.

3. On outer side of outer door note location of the same well and the handle of latch and drill them. That wood was not stratified, it is necessary to drill on both sides. Remove chisel excess tree, at face of door and straighten the slot for the lock housing.

4. Previously apply the lock to the place to define whether your tags coincide with openings on the lock. If everything is right, fasten body pad by means of the screw driver. Insert handle rod, then the handle and fasten it screws.

5. As much as possible close door and plan position of uvula of latch on jamb. Then open door and on these tags draw strictly horizontal lines. Check geometricity of corners level. Impose locking level and circle with pencil, without forgetting to circle also opening. On the planned lines hollow chisel the slot depth sufficient in order that the latch has entered.

6. It was necessary only to fasten locking level. The box lock is ready.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
