How to receive stunning harvest of cucumbers

How to receive stunning harvest of cucumbers

Cucumbers are one of the most popular vegetables among gardeners. Undoubtedly, everyone wants to reap big crop for salting for the winter, to eat much cucumbers of own preparation in the summer, can also carry out some cosmetic procedures, using product "without GMO". What nuances need to be considered at cultivation of cucumbers on the site to receive so desirable enviable harvest?

When choosing seeds it is necessary to pay attention to the pickling and intended for conservation grades. Also it is necessary to consider option of purchase of seeds of hybrid grades. Hybrids by all means will inherit the best qualities from "parents" therefore they will be more resistant to diseases and for percent more fructifying. At cost the seeds of hybrid grades will be more expensive.

For the open ground it is not necessary to choose the partenokarpichesky, self-pollinated types. They are intended for hotbeds.

Disembarkation. It is necessary to sow cucumbers to the open ground when air temperature reaches twenty degrees. Cucumber – vegetable thermophilic. In warm weather the seeds quickly ascend.

Garter. The trudging bushes of cucumbers demand obligatory garter. Also on the tied-up plants it is necessary to break fruits in time if they long hang on bushes, then less young fruits will develop.

Strengthening of root system. For increase in firmness of plant by all means it is necessary to help roots of cucumbers to develop and become stronger. For this purpose, pressing root to the earth and densely powdering with small amount of the soil, we help to develop to additional roots. By means of such roots it will be easier for plant to absorb more water and useful substances.

Pollination. If insects who have to pollinate florets of cucumbers it is, insufficiently, possible to help plants. For this purpose it is necessary to transfer pollen from men's buds to pistillate flowers brush. 

Increase in amount of carbon dioxide. Cucumbers, as well as any plant, in many respects depend on photosynthesis. If to make mulching of the soil manure, the content in air of carbon dioxide will increase, thus, photosynthesis process will accelerate. The plant will quicker develop. 

Watering. It is known that the cucumber fruit more than for 90 percent consists of water. Therefore irrigation of plants of cucumbers – very important process for growth, development and formations of fruits. To water bushes of cucumbers reasonablly twice a day with enough warm water. Strongly you should not fill in with water, it is necessary to support constant soil moisture.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
