To learn to play the guitar hardly. Both fingers hurt, and chords are not remembered, and strings jingle. Stop! Here if strings jingle, so the guitar is incorrectly adjusted. Control of guitar - process thin. Each guitarist adjusts the tool under himself, under the way of game, under the habits. However there are rules which are uniform in all guitars. For example, tension of strings.
1. To regulate signature stamp deflection, in guitar there is anchor – metal rod which passes along all signature stamp inside. Usually the bolt of anchor is located on lobe of signature stamp and is closed by plastic or metal pad. Anchor bars are normal (the majority of guitars), double (at bass and 12 string guitars), unregulated (for strengthening of signature stamp).
2. Before twisting anchor, it is necessary to check signature stamp deflection. Clamp one hand string on 1 harmony, and other hand string between 18 and 20 frets i.e. where the signature stamp fastens to the guitar body.
3. Measure gap between string and top of the 7th harmony. The gap has to make 0.2-0.3 mm for normal guitar, and 0.3-0.4 mm for bass guitar.
4. If gap too big, then nut of anchor it is necessary to tighten special key, carefully turning it clockwise. For once it is possible to make turn no more, than half way. After each turn of nut it is necessary to take break up to 30 min. that the signature stamp has got used to new situation.
5. If the gap small, and string lies on the 7th harmony, the signature stamp means too convex, and the anchor nut should be twisted carefully counterclockwise, weakening it. The signature stamp becomes becomes straight, the string stretches above.
6. Having made the necessary manipulations on tightening (release) of anchor, leave guitar for day at rest. The signature stamp of guitar is made of tree, it has to apprehend new form, adapt. In a day you will be able to pull new strings and to adjust guitar for game.