The chewing gum forgotten by someone it is accidental, can deliver you great deal of trouble - to get mixed up in hair, to leave spot on clothes, sofa or carpet. To remove it at first sight can seem business difficult. However there are several ways which will allow without special financial and time expenditure, to get rid of annoying problem.
It is required to you
- - vegetable or lubricating oil;
- - vaseline;
- - acetone;
- - gasoline;
- - ice cube;
- - boiled water;
- - means for washing of ware.
1. The task of removal of chewing gum can seem impracticable if she has accidentally got mixed up in hair – in this situation only scissors at first sight can help. Nevertheless, it is possible to cope with such problem and without loss of part of indumentum. Accurately separate the stuck together lock of hair from other head of hear. Then it is abundant moisten it with vegetable oil (not very well - olive, sunflower or peanut). With the same purpose it is possible to try to use lubricating oil. Try to rub oil directly in chewing gum – it will soften the hardened lump and will allow to remove elastic band from hair with hands or by means of brush hairbrush.
2. If scales of problem are not so big, try to moisten the place of pasting of hair with acetone or gasoline. Also small amount of vaseline after which causing it is necessary to warm up a little chewing gum by means of the hair dryer before removal will help to cope with this problem.
3. Remove chewing gum from clothes, carpet or sofa by means of several the simple, but checked by time ways. The first way of removal of chewing gum provides influence by means of low temperatures. The elastic band will be removed without effort if you put the spoiled article of clothing in plastic bag, and then place it in the fridge for 10-15 minutes. It is easy to scratch out the hardened chewing gum from fabric. In case the spot from elastic band has spoiled carpet or sofa, it is possible to wipe the place of pollution with ice cube – it will give similar effect.
4. The following method of removal of chewing gum demands certain dexterity – water the stuck lump with boiled water and at the same time intensively you clean by means of old toothbrush.
5. Try to remove spot from chewing gum by means of soaking of clothes in warm solution of any means for washing of ware. 30-40 minutes later it is possible to wash manually thing with toilet soap and to rinse. From chewing gum there will be no trace left also.