Not very long ago as roofing material slate which laying was not only simple, but also inexpensive was everywhere used. But this material has one shortcoming consisting in its fragility because of which the covering should be repaired often. Thanks to modern technologies, producers it was succeeded to create stronger material with which have begun to replace slate. The professional flooring became it. Today it can be seen practically on all country houses.
Initially people with mistrust treated professional flooring therefore they persistently changed old roof from slate for identical material. But over time the pro-thinned-out leaf after all managed to win love of owners of owner-occupied dwellings. And there is no wonder, as this material besides high strength and durability has attractive exterior that cannot be told about slate. Besides its laying does not demand big monetary investments.
Than the professional flooring is better than slate
The pro-thinned-out leaf in comparison with slate has small weight that is very important for roof. Even the builder self-educated person knows that the roof weight is less, the smaller pressure will be put upon rafter system, and, therefore, and upon walls with the base of the house.
The professional flooring has double protection against negative impacts of the environment and corrosion, and therefore this material is capable to decorate the house not one decade. Besides it is very difficult to damage the pro-thinned-out leaf therefore to it the falling branches of trees, hail and snow loads are not terrible. For comparison, slate from one awkward movement is capable to break up. The professional flooring, unlike slate, does not burn out in the sun that allows to keep to it the bright paints during all its operation, and therefore he does not demand frequent paintings and other repair and recovery actions. As for laying of professional flooring, it does not demand special skills and knowledge therefore it can be executed independently, without resorting to expensive services of experts.
Technology of replacement of slate by professional flooring
For a start remove slate and furring to which it has been attached. After that on rafters fill flooring from boards or pull on it waterproofing film. The strong tension of film does not need to try to obtain. Otherwise in the winter it, contracting, will tear. To avoid course of condensate or water, glue places of joints of waterproofing material with self-adhesive film and along rafters fill bars, thereby having fixed it. After that fill on furring perpendicular to rafters counterfurring. When choosing step be guided by roof tilt angle. Than it is less, the distance between furring boards has to be that less. Having performed this work, you have to receive the ventilating gap allowing to avoid condensate accumulation. Due to the lack of gap the professional flooring begins to rust, so, very soon it is necessary to make its replacement. After furring is ready, can start laying of the pro-thinned-out leaf, using for this purpose self-tapping screws with rubber gaskets. That they were not allocated on the general background, their color has to coincide with color of professional flooring. To fix sheets need to be begun with faces, the overlap at the same time can make one-two waves. That long time opened was not necessary to hold roof, it is necessary to calculate amount of material for replacement of roofing covering in advance.