How to restore the soil

How to restore the soil

The structure of the soil is defined not only by its mineral basis (clay, sand, loam, sandy loam, the chernozem), but also quantity of living soil organisms which live in it. Earthworms and insects dig underpasses, forming channels on which deep into soils arrive water and air. Products of their activity enrich the earth and increase productivity. Intensive use of the soil by the person leads to its exhaustion.


1. For recovery of fertility of the soil often use compost – the rotted-through organic waste materials. That the organic chemistry rotted through quicker, it is recommended to arrange compost heap layer-by-layer.

2. The first layer, for improvement of drainage, lay straw, hay or brushwood. Annual weeds without the ripened seeds, pieces of paper or natural fabrics, the remains of vegetables and fruit, small branches of trees and bushes which have remained later scraps, fallen leaves can be the following layer. Cover organic waste materials with layer of the earth and again stack organic chemistry.

3. In dry weather water compost to accelerate decomposition. It is possible to add bioactivators for enrichment of structure with useful microorganisms to water, for example, means Baikal. The bird's dung will be the excellent activator.

4. In the course of decomposition the nitrogen necessary for activity of plants is emitted. That this gas did not disappear, cover compost heap with polyethylene. The polyethylene film, besides, holds warmly and, therefore, promotes acceleration of decomposition of organic chemistry. Compost will be ready to the use approximately in 8 months.

5. Manure – cow, horse, goat, sheep is widely applied to improvement of structure of the soil. Use fresh manure extremely carefully not to burn roots and stalks of plants. It is better to allow it to perepret within half a year. As well as compost, cover manure to hold nitrogen.

6. Many summer residents use for increase in fertility of the site deciduous humus from the wood. But it is necessary to consider that at the same time the soil in the forest is depleted, and roots of trees are bared that does direct harm to the nature. The same popular fertilizer is peat. However scientists-ecologists urge to refuse this way as exhaustion and impoverishment of peat bogs harms the nature as well as removal of fertile layer of the earth in forests.

7. To enrichment and recovery of structure of the soil apply siderata – the plants rich with nitrogen, microelements, starch, proteins and sugars. As siderat most often use peas, lentil, clover, lucerne. Stalks of plants do not remove for the winter, and leave in the earth. In the spring rerotting masses rake dig in to the earth as fine organic fertilizer.

8. One of characteristics of the soil is its acidity. The Zakislennost of the soil reduces its fertility as harmful influences living soil organisms. Indicators of the increased acidity of the earth are such plants as horsetail, plantain, sorrel, buttercup. To deoxidate the soil, add the crushed egg shell, slaked lime, ashes to it.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
