How to save onions from diseases

How to save onions from diseases

Onions – irreplaceable vegetable for preparation of salads, soups, second courses and other goodies. But it is not always possible to receive full-fledged harvest in view of appearance of various diseases which ruin plants. At the correct and timely processing of problems it is possible to avoid.

Sheykovy decay – widespread disease of onions. Before landing process pilferers in weak solution of potassium permanganate. Put it in warm, but not hot or rainy weather that he has well taken root and has quicker begun to ascend. Decay sometimes begins to appear at strong watering. Try to control soil moisture level. It is better to porykhlit once again, than to irrigate.

Mealy dew – fungal defeat of feathers. It is shown usually by emergence of whitish raid and light spots. Then color changes on slightly violet then leaves begin to turn yellow and wither smoothly. To protect onions from death, process it solution from tablespoon of oxychloride of copper and the same amount of liquid soap on 10 liters of water. As prevention irrigate landings by structure of times in 2 weeks.

The stem nematode also brings lot of trouble upon summer residents. On stalks of onions whitish worms appear. Rather small parasites are capable to ruin all beds if in time not to start fight against them. Even before landing process pilferers in salt solution – on 5 liters of water of 3 tablespoons. 30-40 minutes later, without washing out start landings. It is possible to get rid of nematode and by means of complex medicines from wreckers who are on sale in shops. Use them as it is specified in the instruction. It is possible to get rid of onions fly tobacco solution. Fill 200 g of tobacco in 10 liter bucket. Insist 3 days. Add tablespoon of liquid soap and as much black pepper. Filter solution through several layers of gauze and spray onions from spray. In principle, from most of wreckers complex medicines help. But their structure contains chemical components therefore if you want to receive organic onions, use the checked national methods.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
