It is not recommended to throw out old mirror in garbage can. It can break into set of splinters that on national signs means approach of misfortune. Even if you not the superstitious person, the following councils for occasion of disposal of old mirrors not superfluous will be to study.
1. The old mirror stores in itself information on the place where it hung, on hosts in which it was located. Not the accidentally ancient fortune-telling checked not by one generation is connected with mirrors. Therefore to smooth surfaces it is necessary makes thrifty use. There is the whole ritual on ejection of old mirrors. Wrap mirror in dense piece of fabric of dark color. Accurately take out it from the house and put near street garbage can. After that salt mirror and the place where you have put it. This ceremony helps to clean your power from mirror.
2. Before you throw out mirror – substitute it under flowing water. Thereby from it information on its former owners "will be washed away". After that put mirror in package and put near outer door. Perhaps, someone from neighbors needs your subject of interior.
3. One more ceremony which can be made before throwing out mirror is to sprinkle it with holy water and to cross church candle. At the time of this ritual mentally say goodbye to mirror, thank him for service and wrap it in cellophane. Then you will force him out into the street before garbage container.
4. The good option to get rid of old mirror – to sell it. It is possible to post online on the portal advertisement in which you have to specify the mirror sizes, cost and nearby to attach the photo of mirror to the announcement. Your announcement will be in great demand if you place it on such the Internet – platforms as, in the section "antiques".
5. If you want to say goodbye forever to mirror and to be sure that more nobody will use it, then it is possible to earth it. For this purpose you have to choose the low-passable place where there is a lot of the earth. In the yard it is not recommended to dig in mirror as there stray dogs can dig out it. It is the best of all if you dig hole for mirror in the forest.