of us want, doing wave by the tightened-up eyelashes, to fascinate each of the men getting to zone of our attention. Natural data are not always enough that only by means of ink to create magnificent bend of eyelashes. There is a solution – we buy special tweezers for wave and we learn to use them correctly.
- Do not start wave of eyelashes if you have not enough time and skills. Better or in advance to be trained to use them, or to find much more time for make-up of eyes.
- Before starting wave of eyelashes, place nippers for several seconds under hot water jet or air from the hair dryer. It will soften rubber, and it will strongly not injure brittle eyelashes.
- It is better to twist cilia before putting ink as at compression by nippers pasting of the made-up eyelashes is possible, and ink can be showered, having spoiled you make-up and mood.
- Record nippers at the roots of eyelashes, sustain pause approximately in ten seconds. If you twist eyelashes for the first time, squeeze spring very slowly not to clamp skin. Repeat zazhatiya two-three more times for obtaining optimum result.
- Long eyelashes can also be tightened up on all length of hair several pinches, and here short it is better to twist only at roots.