The beautiful weakening aromalamps – today it is available privilege not only for residents of rich houses and elite apartments. It is very widespread, easy and inexpensive way to create comfortable situation in any, even the most unattractive room. The aromatherapy does not demand profound knowledge and can be used even by the child at observance of safety measures. How to use aromalamps?
Thanks to aromalamps you create the pleasant atmosphere by means of various essential oils heated in the aromalamp and at the expense of it quickly extended by air.
The principle of operation of the aromalamp – slow impact on aromatic oil heating coil (most often candle), poured (several drops) in special office of the aromalamp.
- Effect of use of aromalamps:
- Improves the general health
- Lightens the mood
- Returns to tired organism vital energy
- Well tones up and/or delivers relax
- The main and most widespread effect – psychological, for fast change of mood and creation of the weakening luxury.
Various essential oils and aromasmes are suitable for the aromalamp. Even if they have no high concentration, for single application there will be enough only 4-5 drops.
Lamp aromatic with candle
Such aromalamp is metal (or from other material) small bowl for mix of aromatic oil and water. This mix heats up candle. The lit candle provokes evaporation of oils and their active movement by air.
How to use? Pour into the aromalamp a little water, drip essential oil and set fire to candle. Such aromalamps can be used as in the open air, and in any, even small, enclosed space.
Electric aromalamp
In fact, effect of application the same, but with only that difference that process of heating comes from electric bulb of incandescence.
The aromalamp consists of saucer and ringlet which is put on normal lamochka. The device is connected to the socket and process of heating of saucer begins. On this saucer it is also necessary to place water with the aromatic oils added to it.
For today there were also aromalamps working from connection on USB. Connect to the notebook or the computer or connect on USB to the socket.
How to use aromalamps
Any aromalamp has to consist of two constituent parts: in the basis the candle, and over it - bowl for heating is established. The candle is lit. Also operation of the aromalamp begins.
- Before turning on of the aromalamp it is necessary to air the room and then to light lamp, having covered windows. At distribution of oil count on the following ratio: 2 drops of essential oil on 5 sq.m of the area of the room.
- Aromalamp usage time for one applications – of 20 minutes till four o'clock.
- In case of too intensive evaporation of water – add it in bowl.
- Place the lit lamp according to safety measures, far from children and easily flammable objects. Do not put the aromalamp on plastic surfaces.