How to use motor shovel

How to use motor shovel

The motor shovel is the inertial agricultural tool having the increased performance. By means of motor shovel it is possible to perform all necessary works at cultivation of vegetable cultures, bushes, garden trees.

Motor shovel design

The motor shovel consists of universal basic frame on which specialized knots fasten: subsurface cultivator, harrow cultivator, okuchnik-subsurface cultivator, deep ripper, seeder. It has inertial wheel which allows to accumulate the kinetic energy sufficient for processing of the earth and also provides the necessary depth of loosening.

The design of motor shovel considers physiological features of working.

Before work it is necessary to collect motor shovel according to the instruction. It is necessary to attach subsurface cultivator rack, bar of the handle and the handle to frame. Then the inertial anvil wheel is attached to frame so that its rotation was free. To rack the subsurface cultivator fastens, at the same time sharpening has to be from above. 20-40 degrees are better to fix it at an angle. For increase in working width the motor shovel is used without turn of the subsurface cultivator.

How to work with motor shovel

The motor shovel is very maneuverable, its use does not require great physical efforts. During the work it is necessary to do reciprocating motions back and forth by hands and the body, it is not necessary to bend down at the same time. It is necessary to work with motor shovel pushes - back and forth, using its mass, body weight, rotation energy of wheel and speed of step. At push forward it gathers speed, at this time it is necessary to lower handles and to bury the subsurface cultivator. At the movement it is necessary to lift the handle a little back. The quality of performance of work will depend on availability of skills which will be received in practice. To cut groove (for example, under potatoes), it is necessary to deploy the subsurface cultivator on the maximum corner or to remove it. For deepening of groove it can be passed once again. For processing of virgin soil of work will see to mass vskhod of grass. In this case the site needs to be passed in several calling, gradually cutting off layer by layer. It is impossible to work as motor shovel at the soil with large stones and at the soil with the stiffened weeds which diameter of stalk more than two centimeters.

For use of motor shovel as the cart invert the tool and attach from above box, box or trough.

Technical maintenance of motor shovel

Sharpening of the subsurface cultivator is made file. Technical maintenance also includes cleaning of operating parts of the stuck dirt, axis lubricant with dense technical lubricant. It is necessary to store motor shovel without moisture access, in the room or on air. Before storage it is necessary to carry out technical maintenance and to cover operating parts with lubricant.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
