In shops for gardeners and gardeners and also it is always possible to find ready substrates which have been produced for various decorative or vegetable cultures, seedling prorashchivaniye in specialized departments of hypermarkets. But the soil for kitchen garden or the greenhouse can be made and independently, especially in those cases if there is no opportunity to buy ready mix.
Sawdust as fertilizer and mulching
All soils applied to decorative, garden and garden cultures can be alkaline, acid or neutral, and the soil with special structure is necessary for certain plants. Therefore it is very important to enrich the soil correctly.
The question of the choice of fertilizers is particularly acute when there comes the spring. Owners of kitchen gardens and gardens are interested in receiving the richest harvest therefore they select fertilizers especially carefully.
Sawdust is considered as one of the most valuable fertilizers as they contain the maximum quantity of the carbon increasing the number of the bacteria necessary for growth of plants. In addition, sawdust approaches on nutritious qualities riding peat as a lot of cellulose is their part. This natural fertilizer contains essential oils, pitches, lignin and various microelements. Their great draining ability which allows to prevent on beds of flooding and as much as possible to reduce damage from spring floods is considered one of the most useful properties of sawdust. The pitches which are part of sawdust frighten off various wreckers spoiling garden and garden cultures. Therefore this fertilizer is recommended to be used on those sites where there are many insects wreckers, for example, to bring in row-spacings of potato beds. Thus, potatoes not only will receive useful substances from sawdust, but also will be protected from Colorado beetle and his larvae. In order that in spring time the shoots appeared much quicker, it is recommended to mulch crops by thick sawdust layer of mulch.
Sawdust as independent fertilizer
More often as independent fertilizer sawdust which contains significant amount of organic components are applied. At the same time the minimum quantity of nitrogen is part of such fertilizer therefore sawdust needs to be finished surely before enrichment of the soil. Before applying sawdust as independent fertilizer, it is necessary to find out initial ratio of nitrogen in weight to carbon and also to learn what nutrients, first of all, will be necessary for plants. It is possible to enrich sawdust with nitrogen by means of ammonium nitrate or urea. 300 g of the first substance or 220 g of the second are required to be parted in water bucket, it will be enough for impregnation of three buckets of sawdust. The sawdust processed in such a way will improve physical properties of the heavy soil, and will serve in hotbeds and greenhouses as the good loosening means.