Level of heatlosses in average country house even at its correct and well thought over planning can leave from 15 to 35%. For this reason, thinking of how to warm owner-occupied dwelling, it is necessary to consider the fact that all elements of the building participate in heat exchanging process with the environment: base, windows, walls, roof, doors, floor.
With approach of autumn and winter season before many owners of the country real estate especially sharply there is question of how to warm the house the hands. The relevance of this task is emphasized not only decrease in level of comfort in premises, but also sharply grown expenses on heating, electricity and gas.
Before purchase of thermal insulation materials it should be taken into account the fact that the greatest effect gives warming of the house not only inside, but also outside therefore special attention should be paid to such important characteristics of heater as its moisture resistance, heat conductivity and level of vapor permeability.
Warming of the house outside
Traditionally warming of the house is outside carried out in several stages: at initial stage of works mount wood furring or metal sections for fastening of thermal insulation; further laying of heater with simultaneous mounting of necessary waterproofing materials follows and if necessary – with the device of compulsory vent system; completion phase is decorative front finishing of the building.
If for warming of the house those types of materials which it is possible to fix directly to building walls, without use of furrings are used, then preparatory work comes down to thorough drying of walls, removal of the flaking plaster, alignment by cement and sand solution or polyurethane foam of all surface defects and processing of walls the primer intended for deep penetration.
In quite easy and budgetary way to warm the house the hands is use of ready plates from polyfoam or penoplex – most often these materials are applied to external covering of stone, block or brick buildings. It is important to remember that the foam heater can be mounted only on well dry-through surfaces since this material very well absorbs moisture and at the same time quickly loses the heat-insulating properties.
That exactly and beautifully to paste the first row of the foam blocks and further to avoid the shift of plates at their fixing, on bottom edge of wall it is recommended to make installation of starting level. Fixing of heater is provided or mechanically – if increased load on walls, or by means of special mastics and glue structures is supposed. When mounting polyfoam the blocks densely press to wall surface to avoid formation of emptiness and gaps; the correctness of arrangement of material is controlled by means of levels and plumbs.
It is necessary to consider that warming of the house outside is made by glue method only at temperature range from +5 to +25 degrees. In other cases it is possible to use fastening of heat insulator by means of special dowels or combined method. Before mounting of penopolistirolovy plates it is recommended not only to clean surface of walls well from dust, but also to humidify slightly from spray.
Further actions for warming of the house the hands come down to sticking up of connection seams the reinforcing tape, processing of surface primer and to carrying out stucco work.
Warming of wooden house
Popular material for external warming of wooden house mineral wool is considered. When choosing this heater it is important not to lose sight that it well absorbs moisture, and for this reason of wall of the building need ensuring vapor impermeability. For this purpose on facade of the house fix the vertical rails necessary for mounting of paroizolyatsionny material – it can be aluminum foil or polyethylene film. For the organization of the good air circulation providing aeration between rails leave small openings. Places of fastening of paroizolyatsionny material coat with sealant or carefully glue with adhesive tape – it will allow to avoid hit of accidental water droplets.
After that mount framework directly for heater: has well proved way at which to wall vertically edge boards about 5 cm thick fasten, and layers of mineral wool densely keep within the intervals received between these racks. The following layer of heater is stacked so that its connection seams fell on the middle of layers of the first layer.
Warming of wooden house mineral wool needs obligatory waterproofing protection: cuts of special film have with an overlap on the relation to each other and fix to furring brackets. Connection seams for additional protection stick with adhesive tape or any other fixing material.
Before final finishing of facade of the warmed house decorative materials it is necessary to fill wooden narrow rails which will create the small interval necessary for natural drying of moisture and the free movement of air between covering of the house and paroizolyator.