Comfortable stay in wooden house is possible only if in it optimum temperature condition is supported. To lower heat waste and to receive significant economy on heating, it is recommended to execute warming of the house. After exterior finish of walls of the house insulating materials it will be possible to live in it not only during the summer period, but also in cold season.
It is required to you
- - mineral wool;
- - aluminum foil;
- - polyethylene film;
- - adhesive tape;
- - self-adhesive film;
- - roofing material;
- - boards;
- - wooden rails;
- - siding;
- - nails;
- - self-tapping screws;
- - screw driver;
- - hammer;
- - knife;
- - hacksaw.
1. Execute vapor barrier of walls of the house. Its assignment – ensuring ventilation of walls. The vapor barrier most is required if house walls not timbered, but smooth. For a start fill on walls vertical rails at distance of 80-100 mm from each other. Attach layer of the isolating material to rails. It can be roofing material, polyethylene film or aluminum foil. To prevent getting under isolation of moisture, stick places of fastening of material with adhesive tape.
2. Make framework for thermal insulation. It is more preferable to execute it from thick boards 100 mm wide, having filled on wall vertically. The distance between elements of framework has to be slightly less, than width of cloths of heater.
3. Lay thermal insulation layer between framework boards. Most often as heater mineral wool in the form of plates is used. It is the light, cheap material which is perfectly keeping heat and resistant to heat distortion of walls. Plates have sufficient elasticity therefore they can just be inserted between framework boards without additional fastening. It is necessary to stack plates so that between them there were no slots.
4. Over heat-insulating layer lay film which will perform function of waterproofing. Attach film to the boards making framework, using metal brackets or nails. Stack single sheets of film with an overlap that edges of pieces came at each other on 50-100 mm. Glue joints with adhesive tape or self-adhesive tape.
5. Make external covering of wall. Previously fill over rail waterproofing layer, having attached them to board framework. Board surface of walls or plastic siding. At selection of material for final finishing you proceed from the general style of registration of the house. Such decorative finishing not only will finish warming, but also will give to the building attractive exterior.