Each hostess asks the same question: how it is correct to wash white clothes? But in this case it is necessary to consider not only washing, but also how to make so that not to damage structure and fibers of fabric. Make your linen snow-white which will not be a shame for hanging out on the street.
It is required to you
- - Powder,
- - laundry soap,
- - boric acid,
- - salt,
- - hydrogen peroxide,
- - ashes,
- - gauze,
- - potassium permanganate.
1. There are some rules of successful washing thanks to which you should not make lot of efforts to wash things. For this purpose you should not save things for weeks, it is much simpler to wash svezheispachkanny thing. The second condition for washing of white linen – water has to be soft. It can achieve if to add to water couple of tablespoons of soda or special means for softening of water.
2. Before starting washing of white linen, it is better to wet it previously for some time. It considerably will facilitate process of otstiryvaniye of various pollution and spots. Wet white linen in cold or warm water with the dissolved powder, leave on all night long. White handkerchiefs will perfectly wash off if to wet them in very strongly salt water.
3. White linen from woolen or synthetic material can be bleached by means of weak 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. This solution is made of ratio of 5 ml of peroxide on one liter of water. Carefully mix everything and wet linen not some time, it was necessary to wash in warm soapsuds and to properly rinse things.
4. There is one the most ancient and the most important effective way of washing of white linen. For this purpose you need ashes from burning of tree. The most important – it has to be plant origin, without foreign objects. Especially this way suits those who in the house have wood-fired furnace. Wrap ashes in several layers of gauze and place in tank with white linen which has to stand on the furnace. It will gradually heat up, and linen in tank will begin to be boiled. After that get linen, rinse and hang out. Any powder cannot do what is done by the nature.
5. Take two big tanks and pour into everyone on seven liters of water. In one ware dissolve 10 grams of laundry soap, and in the second – several chips of permanganate of potassium. Mix both solutions and put in it two-three of white things, leave for the night. It was necessary to rinse in the morning, linen will become snow-white without uniform speck.
6. White golfs and socks will well wash off if before it to kill them in warm water with addition of one tablespoon of boric acid. Leave for couple of hours, after that you can wash with powder or soap. Boric acid works much better, than any bleach.