When, having come to flower shop behind gift, you pass by the blossoming azalea, it is impossible to refrain from purchase. Fine "cap" from gentle flowers bewitches, causes admiration. However houses, having stayed 2-3 weeks, at plant suddenly begin to fall down flowers, and then and leaves. Literally in the eyes it withers, and then dries up. Most often the wrong watering of azalea is the reason of it.
It is required to you
- - jug for watering;
- - soft water;
- - sprayer.
1. Azalea – hygrophilous plant. Best of all she feels in cool light rooms with the increased humidity (up to 80%). It is especially good the fact that it blossoms from December to March – just when the main part of houseplants "sleeps". However, watering it, it is important to follow several obligatory rules.
2. During the entire periods of growth for watering of azalea use soft water. Melt or rain water suits for this purpose, it is also possible to take the distilled or boiled water. If you use water from water supply system, surely let it stand not less day in order that the main part of chlorine has disappeared, and lime has accumulated on bottom. Water temperature has to be about 18 degrees. Add times in two weeks to water of a little lemon juice or solution of citric acid (0.5 teaspoons on 1 l of water). The same water makes spraying of plant.
3. During blossoming the watering has to be abundant and uniform, is carried out daily. Watering azalea from watering can, you watch that the lump of the earth has been drenched evenly (from surface to the bottom). However do not allow overwetting, roots can decay. Spraying of plant is not recommended to be carried out to this period in order to avoid formation of spots on flowers. If nevertheless there was drying of earth lump, put your pot with flower in basin with water. The height of water has to be on third of height of pot. Leave it for 3 hours then take out and let's surplus of water flow down. Resuscitation of flower is complete, it is possible to put it into place.
4. In the summer, after blossoming, watering is made 1 every two days, also abundant. The flower is sprayed at least twice a day. It is necessary for maintenance of humidity indoors. If in the room very warmly, use ice for cooling. They can impose pot or to place accurately on earth surface on edge.
5. In the fall, in two months prior to blossoming, the azalea is placed in the cool place and reduce norm of watering. However overdrying is still inadmissible. It is daily necessary to spray flower for air humidity maintenance at the appropriate level.