How to water cypress

How to water cypress

It is not so difficult to grow up cypress in house conditions. It is very interesting to be engaged in cultivation of tree from seed. It is the best of all to sow in the spring. At this time seeds will be able to overcome critical boundary. Cypresses grow more than 15 years.


1. It should be noted, it is recommended to hold this plant on bright diffused light. That cypresses were strong and high, it is necessary to plant them in the spring on the glazed balcony which is on South side. When cold weather begins, the plant needs to be removed to the room. At low temperature it can die.

2. Cypresses, especially small, strongly love water. At scarcity of water, there will be their death. The earth has to be damp all the time. But you watch, to filling in trees. Especially it is harmful if they grow in the sun. Regularly you make spraying by means of manual spray. This purpose requires water of room temperature.

3. It is the best of all to carry out spraying several times a day. The earth should not be dry. Cypresses do not love heat from the room battery. Put plant as it is possible further from it. In old houses, at cultivation, there can be problems. The fact is that in such constructions the plant constantly suffers from heat. Especially it is noticeable in winter time. The plant treats draft badly. Therefore it is necessary to have it far away from window leaf.

4. Try to make more cool temperature condition in the winter. The cypress best of all grows at northern and east window at this time. If during this period the plant is located at the southern or western window, then at approach of summer season, it needs to be rearranged on northern window.

5. During the period from May to October, the plant surely has to be in the open air. From May to October it is necessary to make easy fertilizing. The cypress easily transfers cutting. In the winter when there is excess heat, the plant is surprised web tick. Reproduction of cypress is carried out by shanks. They are put under plastic caps. The most favorable temperature of the soil is +25 °C. If it is necessary, it is possible to execute change in mix of the humous, cespitose and coniferous earth in the spring.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
