How to water dragon tree

How to water dragon tree

Housekeeping Hits: 151

The dragon tree very effectively looks and is quite unpretentious in leaving. Therefore it is placed with great pleasure both in apartments, and at offices. It is easy to look after plant, the main thing to put it to the suitable place and it is correct to water.


1. Types of dragon tree exists so many that two representatives of this family can stand nearby and hardly anyone will suspect them of relationship. Stalks treelike and green, leaves wide and narrow, long and oval – the dragon tree can look somehow. What unites all relatives, so it is their virulence. Therefore if in the apartment there are small children or animal, inclined to eating of plants, it is better to remove dragon tree from such room.

2. Dragon trees love intensive light and generous watering. Some grades in general are grown up on hydroponics, and, so without water the plant will not be able to live day. Regularly watch liquid level in vessel and add it to necessary level.

3. Not less vlagolyubiva growing in the earth of dragon tree. In the summer they should be watered it is pretty abundant the settled warm water. The dragon tree also will not refuse small shower. Though it is considered that these pseudo-palm trees are resistant to dry air, but sprinkling does well it very much. Especially in the winter when the indoor air dries up under the influence of heating radiators.

4. At the same time in the winter watering of plants should be reduced significantly. However and it is impossible to allow dryings of earth lump too. Check periodically the earth in pot for humidity and add waters if it seems to you necessary.

5. During the spring and summer period at dragon trees observes the intensive period of growth. At this time it would be quite good to add to irrigation water some complex fertilizer for palm trees in particular or houseplants in general.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
