Influence of color in interior on mood of the person

Influence of color in interior on mood of the person

Between different color schemes and human perception there is dependence. It is scientifically proved that specific colors cause various associations and reactions in the person. Color can attract or push away, can pacify or disturb.

Color in interior very much influences mood of the person. Various colors not just cause psychological reaction in the person, but also emphasizes mood, creates the atmosphere in all house. Let's consider basic colors and their influence on the person.

Red. This color belongs to warm, bright, live, uneasy. It symbolizes danger or the ban. In interior red color accelerates work of organism, creates tension, accelerates breath. At long influence tires. Most often for the interior red color is chosen by emotional people. The closed people choose pastel shades of red.

Orange. This color in interior is perceived more quietly, than red. Orange color causes feeling of wellbeing.

Pink. It is color of tenderness, softness, femininity. In interior pink color gives rise to feeling of weakness. It suits not everyone.

Yellow. This color induces brain to work, positively affects sight, nervous system. It long remains in memory, draws attention. In interior yellow color tires less. And here the lemon shade of yellow color – pushes away.

Golden. Such colors in interior show tendency to the power, domination over others. Golden color adds solidity, confidence, stability. He points to prestige and wealth.

Green. This color reduces pain, calms, takes off fatigue. In interior green color is used by balanced and quiet people. In combination with yellow shades, green color comes to life and becomes more active. Olive muffles pure color and causes the calming effect. Green color is ideal for kitchen, and olive color will be suitable for the bedroom.

Blue. It calms, relaxes muscles, slows down breath, pulse.

Blue. It gives feeling of force and harmony. Calms nervous system. In interior blue color can cause recession of working capacity. But on the other hand this color causes aspiration to what - that infinite, supersensual, clean.

Violet. This color is considered heavy. It can oppress and is bad influence nervous system. In interior this color is applied by people in the period of unstable situation. However, violet color can be made active, having added it in green color.

Brown. Practically at all it causes feeling of reality, stability. In interior brown color is loved by people with steady position though this color is considered heavy. For decrease in excitability the brown gamma in interior is recommended.

Black. This color is magnificent in interaction with other flowers. At the person, in pure form causes feeling of hopelessness.

White. It is purity and calm. Most often white color is recommended to use as additional shade to other flowers.

Gray. This color is sign of solidity and nobility.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
