Liquid ceramic thermal insulation - provide heat in the house

Liquid ceramic thermal insulation - provide heat in the house

The modern market of construction and finishing materials offers considerable number of positions on thermal insulation of different types, including products with anti-fungal impregnations, with the increased noise-absorbing, with water-repellent characteristics. However in some cases use of insulating materials is complicated in view of structure of the room or conditions of its operation - application of liquid thermal insulation becomes the ideal decision.

Liquid (differently - ceramic) thermal insulation is also known as superthin isolation. One of its main advantages consists in opportunity to create insulating covering on the surfaces of any form made of any materials and located in the most hard-to-reach spots. The most known and popular isolation is provided by the Corundum brand, LLC NPO Fulleren producer.

Features of liquid thermal insulation

Liquid heater contains the vacuum cavities made of ceramics or silicone on water or varnish basis. As a part of heater latex also contains, it gives viscosity of paint. At the expense of vacuum in cavities the insulating effect is reached, the structure of heater allows to distribute ceramic isolation on any surface, the latex component guarantees the minimum water absorption capacity.

For the warmed rooms it is recommended to use water-based thermal insulation, for not heated rooms and facades - on varnish. Ceramic thermal insulation allows to prevent emergence of corrosion and rust. Treat additional positive characteristics of liquid thermal insulation its ecological and fire security. For application of such thermal insulation there are no restrictions on material on which drawing can be carried out. Warm it can be used on brick, concrete, wooden and metal surfaces.

The consistence of ceramic thermal insulation reminds paint. It is easily put, quickly dries. The dried covering also represents full-fledged insulating material.

Work with liquid thermal insulation

Rules of drawing thermal insulation are rather simple. Surfaces have to be cleaned previously, and ceramic thermal insulation is divorced with varnish or water basis. The received mix is applied on the cleaned surface with paint brush at internal temperature of the room it is not lower than + 7C. The covering heater is carried out in several layers: from 3 to 7 depending on thickness of walls. Between coverings there have to pass not less than 12 hours.

After final drying of all layers, over thermal insulation it is possible to apply paint, to paste wall-paper, to execute any other finish coat.

Despite the convenience and the minimum volume, ceramic isolation guarantees not only effective heat preservation indoors, but also provides noise isolation and protection of the processed surfaces against moisture influence.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
