Make-up under green dress

Make-up under green dress

green dress the girl will always stand out from the crowd, to look fashionable and elegant. Now there are many shades green so all will be able to pick up suitable option. Here it is only necessary to pay attention and to make-up under green dress.

Recommendations about the choice of cosmetics which will approach under dress of green color are given below. Basis under make-up

Take care of condition of skin before putting decorative cosmetics on face. Use base under make-up, it will help to correct complexion, to hide easy shortcomings, to level skin relief. And other cosmetics thanks to basis will keep better, keeping freshness of make-up.

TeniEto very responsible stage when drawing make-up. Here the most widespread error of many - use of shadows of green shades which also match color of dress. And face will be lost by expressiveness, skin will get painful shade. For evening make-up to green dress plum, black, purple, yellow shadows will become good option. For day make-up choose light brown and golden tone. Eyeliner also you tushpodcherknit contour of eyes by means of pencil of brown or black color. Color of ink has to match color of eyeliner. White-skinned girls blush pick up RumyanaDl gentle tones of red color. During creation of make-up the peach or plum shade of blush will approach green clothes for dark-complexioned. PomadaRekomenduem lipstick shades following: for light skin - coral and pink, for swarty skin - red and plum. At the same time choose lipstick opaque, nacre or spangles on sponges is inappropriate here. If you put on green dress and will follow these easy rules during creation of make-up, then you will precisely suffer from outside delighted looks!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
