You in search of original color scheme for walls of your house? Then attentively look narrowly at shades of olive color. Wall-paper of such look is capable to create indoors the sustained and cozy atmosphere saturated with tranquility. Olive tone are capable to be combined with some other flowers harmoniously.
Olive color in wall-paper
The correct combination of olive color with so-called flower partners allows to create live interior in the house. The coverings executed in olive style comprise at the same time several shades, including yellow, beige, green and gray.
Shades of olive color will look differently in rooms with various level of illumination. Gradation of color palette can be ranging from accurately expressed brown to gentle-green. Correctly to choose the required color of cloths, it is necessary to consider them under different corner, changing the nature of lighting and its force. In rooms with the low level of illumination olive wall-paper can absorb light falling on them considerably.
Shades of olive are considered as one of bases of classical design though this color with success is applied to registration of interiors also in "Provence" and "barokko" styles. Having given preferences to olive, it is possible to be sure that the room will begin to look stylish and comfortably.
This color has also the psychological interpretation: it symbolizes restraint, internal harmony and silent tranquility.
Olive color on wall-paper is very practical. It is not easily soiled. It is possible to operate such wall-paper long time.
The feature of shades of olive is that this color distinguishes inconstancy. The surface of such cloths on wall will visually change at change of degree of illumination.
Experts in the field of design recommend to use olive wall-paper in combination with some other shades. Monophonic gamma of this look happens very difficult to perceive long time.
Wall-paper in olive style: six main flower partners
To receive issued in due form design and with taste the sustained interior, it is necessary to know with what basic colors olive can organically be combined. Options of the most successful combination of olive with the main flower partners are given below.
The first option. Refined and quite reserved combination of olive color with shades brown is considered. Restriction here, perhaps, only one: it does not make sense to apply this combination at registration small by the size and very extended rooms.
The second option. Having chosen beige color as addition to olive, you receive very quiet, gentle interior. This decision differs in warmth and does all situation in organic. The combination of olive wall-paper to patten inserts of beige shades is admissible.
The third option. The combination of olive color to different gradation green is very widespread. This combinational decision will be very successful and advantageous practically for any interior. The combination of monophonic olive wall-paper to furnishings, curtains, rugs, executed in green tones will be harmonious.
The fourth option. Richly wall-paper in olive style with any shades of white color looks. Usually white inserts use for emphasis of separately chosen room zone. Shades white with success can be used at registration of the room by olive wall-paper: happens to execute enough in this color accessories (for example, framework for photos, elements of furniture set and so on).
The fifth option. One more color partner for olive – yellow. It is enough to apply such combination when finishing walls in the living room or the big hall to give to the room sublime romantic style. In combination with yellow the olive will make situation extremely bright and saturated.
The sixth option. If you want to create indoors harmonious visual unification with the nature – safely choose combination of olive color to blue. Such color scheme will add freshness and will bring joyful spring notes in gamma. In the company with olive will be blue ideal combination for registration of interior of the room intended for rest and dream.
Use of combinations of olive in different rooms
Living room. Olive color is tried to be applied to finishing of walls of halls and living rooms, big by the size, less. But if such choice nevertheless is made, try to include in room accessories saturated white color in addition. Such decision will allow to create the organic, strict and quiet atmosphere in the living room. In combination with olive there should not be excessively bright inserts. It is correct to place accents in the big living room use on walls of reliefs with floristic motives in green tones or abstract art compositions will allow.
Bedroom. It is considered that exactly here all positive features of olive color can be revealed completely. Finishing by wall-paper in olive execution will make interior intended for dream and rest of the room extremely quiet, will fill it with harmony. It is not recommended to apply bright complementary colors here.
Nursery. In rooms where kids spend much time, it is necessary to use wall-paper with olive shade carefully. The dosed inclusion of olive in separate parts of the working area or zones intended for dream will become optimal solution. Psychologists have noted long ago that the color gamma sustained in olive tones is capable to influence development of creative abilities of the child favorably.
Dining room and kitchen. Olive wall-paper in these rooms is considered as one of the most practical decisions. Business is in that, on such surface pollution are almost not noticeable. It makes sense at registration by wall-paper of walls of the dining room to use splitting the placement on zones with different color schemes. Bright wall inserts or accessories (panel, curtains, art compositions) will become good addition to olive color in kitchen.
The choice of curtains under olive wall-paper
In the house include curtains in furniture of many rooms. This element of interior can also favourably emphasize positive features of wall-paper executed from olive tones. For registration of windows at the same time it is recommended to choose light shades of textiles. They well look in interior, emphasize the gentle nature of olive covering of walls.
It is possible to add textile furniture of windows with use of shades beige, blue and gray, considered as neutral. You do not seek to apply widely in olive interior of curtain with bright shades and the sharp, strongly expressed pattern. It is necessary to use such options at arrangement of the room in this case carefully.