Pachystachys: care, reproduction and change in house conditions

Pachystachys: care, reproduction and change in house conditions

Housekeeping Hits: 127

Pachystachys – whimsical and delicate flower which demands the correct leaving. However that beauty which he is capable to present definitely is worth of the spent efforts.

Pachystachys: care, reproduction and change in house conditions

Pachystachys – the evergreen long-term bush reaching in height about 100-200 cm. The homeland of plant – tropical forests of Central and South America, east coast of Australia and the subtropical jungle of the Southern India. In the wild nature there are 12 types of pachystachys, however in the decorative purposes grow up only pachystachys yellow, also known as lyutea.

Representatives of sort pachystachys have the oval sharpened leaves 10-12 cm long and numerous kolosovidny inflorescences from white colors and several bracts of bright orange or yellow color. Duration of blossoming of pachystachys is only 10-12 days then lobes fade and fall down. However the plant still for a long time keeps the elegant look thanks to bracts which quantity can vary from 15 to 25 on one bush.

Care for pachystachys in house conditions

The tropical flower loves soft bright light and sufficient level of humidity. The windowsill located on East or West side of the room will become the optimum place for placement of flowerpot. In spite of the fact that the pachystachys needs a lot of light, direct beams are pernicious for it therefore the flower if necessary should be shaded.

Air temperature

As for temperature condition, during the warm period of year the air temperature indoors should not exceed 20 degrees. When heating air to 24 degrees the plant needs to be sprayed in addition.

In the fall and it is recommended to maintain air temperature indoors at the level of 17-19 degrees in the winter, watching closely that it did not fall lower than 14 degrees. The flower has to be far from open windows and window leaves during the cold period of year. Also it is not recommended to hold pot with plant near electric heaters and electric radiators.

Watering and air humidity

Pachystachys – hygrophilous plant therefore needs frequent watering and spraying, especially in the summer. It is impossible to allow soil drying at all. In the summer watering has to happen as often as possible that the soil was always left damp, but without stagnation of water. In the winter watering can be reduced to 3-4 times a week. The pachystachys loves clear unsalted water of room temperature.

It is necessary to spray daily plant from spray for ensuring sufficient level of humidity in the summer. At the same time water should not mention inflorescences. Hit of moisture on bracts causes their rotting and leads to withering of plant. It is also possible to support soil moisture by means of pallet with pebble or moss.

Composition of the ground

As soil for pachystachys air-permeable soil mix optimum will be suitable for the blossoming houseplants. Also the earth under flower can be prepared independently, having mixed peat, sand, the garden earth and the crushed pine bark in the ratio 1:1:2:1. For prevention of stagnation of water and improvement of air permeability stack pebble or haydite on bottom of pot.

Each three years plant need to be replaced in pot, bigger by the size, completely changing soil. It promotes growth of pachystachys and its abundant blossoming.


The pachystachys needs regular introduction of organic fertilizers. For the blossoming plants the liquid fertilizing is added each 10 days during active development of flower which lasts from April to October. As fertilizing it is possible to use universal nutritious substrate for the blossoming houseplants.

 Also mineral fertilizers are necessary for pachystachys. The mineral complex is brought once a year – in the spring. Fertilizing is made after abundant watering to avoid damage of roots and stalk.

Cutting and forming of flower

At pachystachys of beautiful krone every year make cutting for forming. In this case the plant forms new escapes and numerous leaves.

On the first year of life when the plant reaches 10-15 cm, prishchipyvat the third couple of leaves at average escape and all side shoots. And already on the second and the next years carry out cut of all tops, shortening them on 5-15 cm. The first inflorescences appear for the third year of growth. 


There are two ways of razmnozheniye of pachystachys – seeds (it is used extremely seldom) and cherenkovaniye. The second way enjoys bigger popularity as allows to receive completely viable plant quicker. 

The shank is separated in the spring during annual cut. Future sprout has to be not less than 10 cm high and contain 2-3 interstices with couple of leaflets. The received shank is put in water or at once landed in soil, previously having processed the place of cut growth factor of roots. When landing to the earth the escape of pachystachys is covered with polyethylene container or the pact for creation of greenhouse effect, without forgetting to provide inflow of fresh air daily. The average time of germination of shank – 3-4 weeks. Further leaving is identical to care for adult flower.

Pachystachys – the magnificent plant capable to decorate with itself any greenhouse and to bring cosiness to the house, having filled it with bright tropical paints.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
