With approach of fall each gardener thinks of need of preservation of plants on the sites. Strawberry is favourite of many gardeners therefore for receiving fragrant and tasty berries next year it is worth beginning to care for it in advance. How it is correct to prepare strawberry for the cold period?
The first preparatory stage begins right after strawberry has stopped fructifying. First of all you should not forget that strawberry though has pleased us with the last harvest this year, but nevertheless requires care and care of it. It is necessary to continue to water it, to weed and loosen the earth. Watering needs to be made even in the fall, once a week warm water.
One more important occupation is fertilizing of strawberry with arrival of autumn days. As fertilizing it is possible to use chicken dung, manure and humus. Carrying out weeding, do not throw out weeds, and leave them on bed for humus. Wood ashes will become quite good feed for strawberry.
The next stage of preparation of strawberry by winter is its cutting. Cutting needs to be carried out in early autumn, without waiting for cold weather. Carrying out cutting, it is important not to damage growth point. For this purpose, using secateurs, accurately cut off short moustaches and old leaves, without damaging stalks.
Shelter of strawberry
Snow is the best material for the shelter of strawberry. But happens so that it is not necessary to count on it. Then for the shelter of strawberry it is possible to use:
- sawdust;
- foliage;
- pine branches;
- fir-tree fir twigs.
When using sawdust for the shelter of strawberry it is necessary to be more attentive. Sawdust badly passes air, strawberry can the ban. It is the best of all to use fir-tree fir twigs. It not only perfectly keeps heat, but also well passes air. But you should not hurry with warming of strawberry if you cover it too early, it will simply rot and will die.
Costs in advance will think of harvest of the next year and then strawberry surely will thank you tasty and fragrant berry.