Cucumber – thermophilic plant which differs in increased requirements to moisture content in the soil and to light conditions. This vegetable can be cultivated crops directly in soil in the bezrassadny way, but it is better to grow up seedling previously.
For implementation of crops in soil it is necessary to wait until the soil gets warm up to +18 °C. In midland it occurs not earlier than June. Therefore the seedling way is more preferable – the harvest can be received much earlier. As preseeding preparation of seeds carry surely out calibration and disinfecting. Calibration is procedure of selection of seeds for size. It is necessary to sort them as follows – large, average, small. It is possible to land everything, but separately – different caliber in different boxes or glasses. Then seedling will be uniform and maturing of harvest will take place evenly.
After calibration it is necessary to remove seeds, empty and unsuitable to landing, to increase the general viability. For this purpose it is enough to submerge of them in salt solution. Those which will emerge on surface are not suitable for landing.
It is necessary to disinfect damp seeds in weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is enough to take 30 minutes. After that seeds are retted in water with the temperature up to +30 °C for two days. Water needs to be changed, and – to support temperature (it is possible to do it on central heater). Then seeds are couched in damp fabric before formation of small white back.
When preparation of seeds is carried out, clean (disinfected by potassium permanganate solution) pots or boxes fill with seedling soil for vegetable cultures which can be bought in shop. Before it it is desirable to disinfect soil too – to spill hot solution of potassium permanganate or to warm up in oven. Soil for crops has to be damp. In pots small deepenings become, place two seeds in each of which. If the viability is absolute, weaker sprout can be removed later. Seal depth – no more than a half-centimeter. The soil powdered from above is moistened with spray, pots take cover transparent polyethylene or glass and to shoots contain at temperature of +27 … 29 °C. Further temperature can be lowered to room. The mode of the increased humidity is necessary for seedling and it is a lot of light. After emergence of three real leaves seedling can be planted in hotbed or not protected soil. Plants, ready to disembarkation, before movement it is necessary it is abundant to water. It is also necessary to spill water and the prepared holes. Plant seedling together with lump not to damage roots. Holes around stalk powder with soil, slightly condense the soil, again water and at once direct growth of saplings top on in advance prepared lane, tying them twine. The lashes of ogurechnik fixed thus will enough receive light and air to form good ovary.
Waterings, loosening, fertilizing and other procedures for leaving are carried out on ogurechnik early in the morning or in the evening.
Care for saplings of cucumbers consists in timely scarification, weeding, fertilizing and obligatory frequent (during heat – daily) watering. For fertilizing it is necessary to use nitrogen and potash fertilizers and it is obligatory to add sulfate magnesium and sulfate copper.