History of wall-paper has begun approximately for 1000 B.C. Woven coverings of that time strongly differed from the modern materials intended for dressing of walls. Smooth wall-paper is convenient in application and is ideal under painting.
Smooth wall-paper
Modern wall-paper is provided in very wide assortment. Consumers have opportunity to choose that option which is ideal for the conceived interior on color scheme and the invoice. One of the most successful types of wall coverings is smooth wall-paper. Their plain surface allows to transfer all subtleties of design most precisely. The coverings intended under painting give unlimited opportunities for creativity.
Smooth wall-paper differs in the simplest structure of cloth. Most of them are single-layer that strongly facilitates their application. Wall-paper protects walls, closes visible defects and visually levels surfaces, decorates them. It is possible to carry to advantages of smooth coverings:
- usability;
- opportunity to paint monophonic wall-paper;
- lack of discrepancies in material thickness;
- possibility of faster and convenient joining of separate fragments of the drawing;
- lower cost in comparison with relief analogs.
Relief panels with large drawings visually reduce space. When using smooth wall-paper of such effect it is possible to achieve only on condition of material selection of dark tones.
Features of different types of smooth wall-paper
There are several types of smooth wall coverings and all of them have certain advantages and shortcomings. When choosing wall-paper it is worth being guided by own requirements. Smooth panels can be picked up under any style of the room.
Paper wall covering
Paper wall covering - the most widespread type of decorative coats for walls. In specialized shops they are provided in wide assortment. Such wall-paper differs in number of advantages:
- democratic cost;
- usability;
- environmental friendliness.
This type of covering is chosen by people who seek to surround themselves with the materials of natural origin absolutely safe for health. At all paper wall covering identical thickness that gives the chance to combine the materials released by different producers.
It is possible to refer high hygroscopicity and impossibility to clean surface to shortcomings of paper covering. It is impossible to call paper wall covering practical. They are not recommended to use for pasting of rooms with the high level of humidity. Under the influence of sunshine the covering gradually fades. When choosing bright wall-paper it should be taken into account this moment. After a while shades will fade.
It is possible to refer their small life cycle to weaknesses of paper wall covering. It makes only 4-6 years. After this time or even before panel it is necessary to re-stick. At pollution of such covering it is difficult to clean it.
Flizelinovy wall-paper
Smooth wall-paper on flizelinovy basis is equal panels without top layer of penovinil. Their main difference from vinyl coverings consists in it. Flizelinovy wall-paper has set of indisputable advantages:
- water dispersible paints are easily applied on their surface;
- the covering hides small roughnesses of walls;
- wall-paper does not razmokat from glue, does not stretch in the course of work.
Flizelinovy coverings are eco-friendly and do not allocate in the atmosphere of hazardous substances. Such type of material is provided in hardware stores in wide assortment. On sale there is wall-paper of different thickness. If it is impossible to call walls equal and on them there are visible roughnesses, defects, it is worth choosing the most dense covering.
Interlining passes air and allows to keep natural microcirculation, to create comfortable microclimate indoors. Material differs in fire resistance thanks to what can be considered as safe. Flizelinovy wall-paper under painting maintains several colourings that gives the chance from time to time to update interior, without using to it great efforts, without removing basis.
The main lack of flizelinovy wall-paper - the high price. If the covering is got under painting, repair comes out rather expensive as to the cost of wall-paper it is necessary to add paint cost.
Panels from fiberglass
Now the increasing popularity is found by wall-paper made of fiberglass. It is nonwoven fabric. Threads of basis are bound chaotically. It is made from glass fibers and organic pitches. Wall-paper made of this material can have the different density and, respectively, durability. Than the cloth is stronger, it is better for those, but at the same time is more expensive.
Wall-paper from fiber glass - excellent alternative to putty. This material can be applied to hardening and decorative registration of concrete, plasterboard walls. Carry to the main advantages of fiber glass wall-paper:
- thermal firmness and incombustibility;
- long term of operation;
- hypoallergenicity;
- moisture resistance;
- chemically aggressive liquids resistance;
- resistance to reproduction of microorganisms;
- vapor permeability;
- ability of material not to accumulate dust.
The main lack of wall-paper made of fiber glass consists in difficulty to work with them. At scrap, harmful fiber glass dust is formed. In the course of pasting of walls such wall-paper it is necessary to put on respirator, and to protect open areas of body gloves, dense clothes.
Liquid wall-paper
Liquid wall-paper is not rolled covering. In it their main difference from smooth cloths. They are presented in sale in the form of powder which is made from cellulose, cotton, wool and some vegetable fibers. It is rather simple to work with such covering. Powder needs to be placed in deep capacity, to add the water volume recommended by the producer then it is good to mix mix and to allow it to infuse 10-15 minutes. If there is desire to give it other shade, it is possible to add special paint. It is possible to apply structure not only on walls, but also on certain sites of floor as plaster. When it dries, becomes similar to wall-paper in the texture.
It is possible to carry to advantages of covering of this type:
- usability;
- vapor permeability;
- ability to visually hide small defects of walls;
- high heat-insulating qualities;
- possibility of the subsequent repair of the damaged sites.
The main lack of liquid wall-paper is their low moisture resistance. In rooms with the increased level of humidity it is not recommended to use them.