Geranium - widespread window plant. It decorates dwellings of many people, however not each person thinks of the fact that besides beauty this flower has useful properties. The geranium is one of the strongest and powerful plants on impact on organism.
Useful properties of geranium are known many millennia. Today scientists could prove that this flower is capable to purify air from various bacteria. It kills even staphylococcus. Essential oils of geranium fill the house with great aroma and in a complex influence organism.
Structure of geranium
As a part of geranium there is set of useful substances. These are tannins, salts, starch, organic acids, flavonoids, anthocyans, essential oil, calcium and substance – geranin which is still a little studied. Thanks to it the plant renders the spazmolitichesky, antiedematous, anti-inflammatory, anesthetizing and antiseptic action.
So, fresh young leaflets can help at dysentery, diseases of kidneys, problems with intestines. Rather widely the flower is applied in treatment of inflammatory diseases of throat and nose. It can be used at tonsillitis, otitis, tonsillitis and other diseases. The geranium facilitates course of tachycardia, ischemia, arrhythmia.
Essential oil of geranium
Essential oil of geranium possesses the pronounced calming action. Thanks to it the person can get rid of depressions, depressions and nervous breakdowns. It is recommended to place several pots with this flower in the bedroom, then the atmosphere of rest and pacification will reign there. Besides, oil of geranium helps at angiospasm. At the expense of it the headache leaves, blood circulation improves. Also this plant treats neuralgia, radicular syndrome and neuritis, lowers sugar level.
Diseases which the geranium treats
At some types of geranium there are anticoagulants, they interfere with formation of blood clots and development of thrombophlebitis. If to use infusions of green part of this plant, then they will have the knitting, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. This cure for gout and rheumatism will help, will dissolve salt deposits in kidneys. Broths are recommended to be drunk at dysentery, long ponosa, as styptic means. Besides, the geranium in the form of broths and infusions is applied at insomnia, fevers, epileptic seizures, toothache and neuralgia. Infusion of roots of blood-red geranium - effective sedative which reduces arterial blood pressure. Also rhizomes of red geranium will help to stop growth of malignant tumors.