Caterpillars and plant louse - wreckers who most often meet on cabbage. Both that and others eat plant, drink from it juice and if not to take any measures for extermination of these insects, then it is possible to forget about worthy harvest.
Than to process cabbage from plant louse folk remedies
In fight against plant louse many folk remedies are effective. If you not the fan to use purchased chemical medicines, then you need to pay first of all special attention to prevention of appearance of these insects on cabbage as self-made medicines are slightly weaker chemical on action, and it is necessary to apply them right after detection of wreckers until they have captivated all kitchen garden.
If you have noticed single colonies of plant louse on cabbage leaves, then in this case it is possible to fight with them manually. For this purpose put on rubber gloves and accurately crush all found insects. After the procedure wash away plant louse under the pressure of water.
In fight against plant louse have well proved infusions of wormwood, potato tops of vegetable and tomato leaves. For preparation of ""medicine"" it is possible to use both one plant species, and all three at once. Fill bucket with the above plants and well stamp, fill in them with normal water and let's infuse hours 10. On the expiration of time filter infusion and it is abundant spray with it all cabbage, including that on which there are no wreckers. Spraying you spend each two-three days, you will not get rid of wreckers yet.
Cindery and soap solution is not less effective folk remedy for fight against plant louse too. In bucket of water dissolve 500 grams of ashes and about 50 ml of liquid soap. Mix everything and carry out processing of cabbage. Two-three processings by this solution are enough that the plant louse has died or has replaced ""place of residence"".
Than to process cabbage from plant louse and other insects
If on cabbage not only the plant louse, but also other insects has lodged (cabbage flea beetle, caterpillars), then in this case prepare the following means: in bucket fill on glass of ashes and tobacco dust, add on tablespoon of laundry soap (grated) and dry mustard, fill in all with boiled water and properly mix. When solution cools down, process it all cabbage, previously having removed the most damaged leaves.