That the erkerny window means

That the erkerny window means

The bay window in translation from German means "lamp". In architectural sense by this term designate the parts of facade supporting the frontal plane. Often resort to such design decision to increase internal space of the room and its illumination. For this purpose bay windows usually glaze.

The form of the acting design of bay window depends on style of the building and functions assigned to it. Bay windows, as a rule, unite several floors, since the second, and are rounded off, triangular, quadrangular or many-sided (almost like ancient lamps). It is accepted to call the windows applied to their glazing erkerny.

Not standard

Erkerny windows usually glaze balconies and loggias of non-standard planning, greenhouse, the winter gardens, terraces, observation decks and country mansions executed in original style. Erkerny windows make out plastic, is more rare - tree. Single plastic sections of the necessary size connect among themselves under certain corners by means of erkerny pipe.

Erkerny pipe – the connecting part of profile with connectors and sealants providing angular joining of separate window sections. The pipe diameter, as well as profile width, depend on the number of cameras of plastic window. To increase rigidity of window design and to increase its heat-insulating properties the reinforced profile in addition established in erkerny pipe will help. For the inhabited heated rooms it is better to choose 5 or 6 chamber windows which are reliably protecting from penetration of cold and formation of condensate. Installation in internal sections of low-emissivity glass will also help to reduce heatlosses considerably. When glazing of not heated rooms it is enough to use three-chambered profiles.


Erkerny windows - one of effective receptions of the design decision. With their help unique masterpieces at registration of various rooms are created: nursery, kitchens, living room, office and even bathroom. Selection of special film will help to give to erkerny designs the necessary coloring and texture or to create huge stained-glass windows. Manipulations with textiles and flexible eaves will add cosiness, ease or grandiosity. The durability and reliability of erkerny window depends on the accuracy of preliminary measurements and calculations, correctly picked up basis of design and on quality of its subsequent installation. Professionalism of employees is especially important if replacement or mounting of erkerny window in premises are necessary. Competent and thorough isolation of joints will protect the house from drafts, dampness and freezing. Having addressed laymans, you risk to face problem of sagging of massive window profiles after low-quality installation, and to jamming of transoms when opening. The second possible problem – if not to give to load-carrying structures of additional rigidity, is possible shrinkage of all building, with all that it implies.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
