The best councils for cutting of cherry in the spring for beginners

The best councils for cutting of cherry in the spring for beginners

Experienced gardeners know that cutting of cherry on spring increases productivity of tree and improves taste of berries. The beginning gardeners quite often are afraid that this procedure will weaken tree. However negative consequences of cutting of cherry can arise only if tree sick or started.

For what cut off cherry in the spring

Cherry differs from many other garden cultures in the precocity. For this reason this tree often meets on garden sites. But the high precocity has also shortcomings: the tree can be exhausted, grow old and lose fertility very quickly. To cope with these undesirable phenomena just and cutting of cherry helps in the spring.

Cutting of cherry allows to create beautiful crown, to prevent uneven development of tree and its narrow-mindedness. After cutting, tastes of berries improve, their sizes increase. The procedure of cutting helps to get rid of old and sick branches, to reduce risk of defeat of cherry by wreckers. Cutting gives the chance to rejuvenate tree and to slow down process of its aging.

When it is better to cut off cherry

Gardeners with success use spring, autumn and winter cutting of cherry. Less often this procedure is carried out in the summer. Cutting of cherry on spring is considered the main as it helps to create krone of the correct form.

Spring cutting is carried out, as a rule, prior to blooming of kidneys. Another matter if on winter cherry has been damaged by frosts. This tree is thermophilic, it hardly transfers low temperatures. In this case the procedure of cutting is removed for later term – until when kidneys begin to grow strongly. It will give the chance to remove the escapes touched by frost.

The best time for spring cutting of cherry – the period from the middle of March prior to the beginning of April. The sick branches found at survey need to be removed. Otherwise they can gradually infect all tree. Cut off also those branches which sputyvat krone and condense it. There is no need to get rid of one-year escapes 25-40 cm long.

Cutting of cherry should be carried out according to certain scheme; features of the procedure will be various for different grades and types of tree. It will be necessary for you: garden knife (it is irreplaceable for work with thin branches); saw; garden scissors; garden var. For cutting of cherry it is necessary to use only serviceable and sharp tool in the spring. It will allow to carry out the procedure of care in the sparing mode and not to put to tree of unnecessary damages.

Cutting of young cherry

The young tree is cut off directly after landing. Only this way it is possible to help root system to take root and create beautiful krone. Make sure that kidneys have not bulked up yet. On sapling there have to be not less than five well developed branches. The chosen branches have to be located at distance not less than 10 cm from each other and grow diversely. All other branches delete. The place of cut should be processed carefully paint or the garden thief.

After cutting and before the end of the spring period it is necessary to monitor the correct development of krone. If part of branches begins to grow inside, they need to be removed. In process of growth of cherry it is necessary to leave only new skeletal branches.

Cutting of the fructifying cherry

The procedure of cutting is carried out in this case only once in year on spring. Technology of cutting standard: delete those branches which condense krone, leaving the branches going parallel to the soil. Then cut off the branches interfering the correct development of framework.

Thinning out thickened krone of cherry, it is necessary to delete forks. It promotes strengthening of fruit branches and forming of their correct taxonomy. The cutting limiting growth of tree has to be carried out only at achievement by cherry of three-meter height.

Year branches should not be shortened, otherwise they at the fructifying cherry can dry up. Removal of root young growth at the imparted tree allows to increase productivity of cherry. Further undercutting for the purpose of rejuvenation is carried out for the next two-three years.

Cutting of old tree

This procedure is carried out in the spring too to return to the grown old tree youth and to increase productivity. Quantity of branches on cherry reduce, the remained branches shorten on third of length of escape. Delete also side branches and skeletal branches to kidneys. It is not necessary to delete one-year gains from old tree. Very often happens that branches dry out in the middle of krone; they are cut off around side branches. On old tree it is impossible to delete many branches for once. It is recommended to do cutting step by step for two-three years.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
