The make-up which is visually increasing eyes

The make-up which is visually increasing eyes

since big expressive eyes were appreciated beauty and appeal therefore women prefer to place in make-up emphasis on eyes at all times. In the modern world it is also necessary to remember some receptions and cunnings in make-up of eyes.

The appearance of each woman is individual and has the features, it can be considered in make-up thanks to various receptions and technicians. First of all, it is necessary to determine by what section and type of eyes the nature – whether it be Asian, round, or amygdaloid has allocated the specific woman. Then it is possible to start various experiments to decide on the most advantageous option of make-up.

Shades of liquid eyeliner and also pencils for eyes are selected depending on skin type (dark-complexioned girls will suit dark shades, on women with light skin will show to advantage green, gray and other shades) and also from color of eyes.

To the women allocated by nature not with the big size, eye is not recommended to outline eyes precisely on contour, it is better to make, it having receded a little from the line of growth of eyelashes, and to bring lower eyelid on one third. The make-up which is visually extending eyes is recommended to owners of eyes of round shape. It is possible to execute it having carried out accurate arrow in the area of upper eyelid.

The line of eyeliner shaded by means of brush will give to look special appeal. In the equipment of make-up of eyes there is not the big reception helping to increase visually eyes. Ink, through growth of the lower eyelashes light is applied on upper eyelashes (white or light pink) kayaly line is drawn. The same pencil draw line under eyebrow and shade. In drawing shadows for giving to eyes of expressiveness there is nothing difficult: in internal corner of eye rather light shade is put, further, passing to outer side of century, more dark shades are put. This make-up can be executed by two-three shades of shadows, and also rather difficult combination can be executed from four – five correctly picked up shades. Most advantageously eyes with use in make-up or volume ink, or with effect of podkruchivaniye look. The shade of ink for eyes can be extravagant black, brown, or the same shade, as well as the liquid eyeliner chosen for make-up of eyes. Not the big tricks stated above, will help to execute the make-up which is visually increasing eyes. Be beautiful!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
