Such indicator as level of groundwater occurrance has to influence the choice of type of toilet at the dacha. If water is located more deeply, than 2.5 meters, and even during rains and floods do not rise above, the country toilet can be arranged with the hands any. If underground waters highly, their level lies close to surface, you should not equip design with cesspool.
Types of toilet for giving happen such:
- Backlash rest room.
- Powders rest rooms.
- Dry closet.
- The street building arranged over cesspool.
- Chemical toilet.
- Peat toilet for giving.
The design checked by time presenting itself rural toilet in the form of board lodge with the equipped cesspool is most known. In the earth dig opening up to one and a half meters in depth over which establish lodge from boards. In hole sewage which gradually decays will collect. But at intensive use the hole is filled too quickly, and its contents do not manage to be fermented.
In prezhn times when filling hole solved problem simply – closed it and dug in, moved the built-on lodge to other place, previously having dug out new hole there. But now this way is applied extremely seldom, there is always opportunity to call the assenizatorsky cab.
The version of the device under the name of "powders rest rooms" will approach if on your site water is too close to surface. The cesspool is not provided in design – the barrel or big bucket which is put under toilet seat is used here. That there was no unpleasant smell of sewage, they are strewed with ashes, sawdust or dry peat after each campaign in toilet. When capacity is filled, it is removed and emptied to the specially allotted place – for example, compost heap. Through certain time the sewage poured by peat can be applied as fertilizer.
If you do not know how to make toilet at the dacha with own hands, and do not think that you will easily master all necessary operations, it is possible to set up plastic portable toilets familiar to all city dwellers. It is simple cabin with capacity where special structures with the microorganisms processing sewage are filled in. Usually they are established in public places. Plastic products represent the simplest and convenient method for the solution of such delicate problem in the conditions of giving. It is not required to build anything, it is possible just to get ready cabin of the size necessary to you and to use it on the street or in the house.
The backlash rest room represents the device supplied with hermetic cesspool. Its cleaning is made with application of services of lavatory trucks. Arrangement backlash rest rooms is carried out, as a rule, in the house, near external wall. The cesspool is arranged outside and bring in it out of the house pipe on which there is sewage. At arrangement such holes it is necessary to provide small bias from the house aside – it provides additional convenience at its cleaning.
Chemical differs from dry closet in means which is applied to pererabatyvaniye of the contents getting to capacity. For efficiency of process chemical reagents are used. Therefore it is necessary to understand that contents of capacity will not be suitable for fertilizer of kitchen gardens.
The toilet peat represents house option described above powders rest rooms. In fact it a little in what differs – here peat for the purpose of pripudrivaniye of excrements is used too. The device is the modernized achievement of modern civilization – it bears to normal toilet bowl a strong resemblance, but instead of water in tank dry peat lies. Sewage pipes are absent – instead of them capacity for sewage is established. Such device will be suitable also for installation in the special lodge built in kitchen garden, and for the room indoors. That there was no unpleasant smell, the design provides the equipment ventilation for which it is required to provide exit to the street.
What toilet in the country house will approach best of all, depends on certain conditions in it and on desire of owners. It is necessary to adhere at arrangement and rules of the SanPiN.