What accumulator sprayer to choose

What accumulator sprayer to choose

The accumulator sprayer is useful and necessary thing in life. Most of all sprayer will be evaluated by sensors, they and begin to be at war in the summer with wreckers on the site in the spring. Than the accumulator sprayer and how it is correct to choose it is good?

Why it is worth buying accumulator model?

Today the choice of sprayers is broad, and on commodity market it is possible to meet petrol, hydraulic, pompovy and other models. However accumulator, electric model will be optimal variant. Among its main features it is possible to note the following:

  • Electrosprayers are the manpack that considerably reduces load of hands.
  • The accumulator sprayer works in the submachine gun mode as the electrical wire will force pressure.
  • Everything that needs to be done when using accumulator model on kitchen garden is to reap on the lever of valve opening and to send the device to the necessary parties.
  • One more plus is simple use. Everything that is necessary for work - it is sometimes to charge the battery from the general network on 220 V.

However such models have also minuses – it is comparable the high cost and complexity of the equipment.

The most popular models of accumulator sprayers

According to responses and the ratings of users, it is possible to allocate three most popular models of garden sprayers:

  • Comfort model. Have fallen in love with it for high-quality assembly and long work without failures. The tank is made of plastic, and hose – of brass that speaks about ease and reliability of design respectively.
  • Sadko model. The high-quality device at reasonable price. In addition, many modifications contain additional functions like the battery power indicator.
  • Calibre model. This model differs in rather small weight, excellent quality of assembly, available cost and convenience of transportation. If to take modification of ACO-14.4, then at tank on 10 liters and pressure in 3.0 bars the consumption of solution will be equal about 0.3 liters in minute that is rather economical. At the same time the accumulator put in zero will be charged up to 100 percent in one hour. All who choose the equipment with good indicator of the price and quality can buy the Calibre sprayer.

But before buying the accumulator sprayer, it is necessary to filter the rich range of its variations from different producers. First of all, it is necessary to refuse models with metal tank. Also it is worth refusing models with tank in 8 liters or less as at such sprayer it is necessary to arrange frequent breaks.


Sprayers for garden will help to save a lot of time and forces on processing of the site, and accumulator models, besides simple operation, can also brag of comfortable service. With them it is possible not to think of makeup of fuel or of engine oiling. It is necessary to charge the accumulator only in time. On average it is possible to save up to 1-2 thousand for month of active use on it.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
