What the marjoram is appreciated

The marjoram is interesting to flower growers for the fragrant elegant crimson lilac-pink long blossoming inflorescences. It is appreciated medical qualities. For richness of aroma and unique taste the plant is used by culinary specialists. And in traditional medicine it is simple not to do without marjoram.

Marjoram ordinary - spicy vegetable plant from family of mint family (yasnotkovy). Plants with upright stalks bear cap of magnificent inflorescences which are painted in pink-purple tone, having original aroma.

The cut young leaves give to dishes appetizing and unique savor. If to add them to potatoes dishes or beans, peas - they find original and unforgettable taste. In olden days this spice improved taste of boiled meat. And when cooked home-made sausages, it just was the most demanded spicy grass for what she was nicknamed ""sausage"". The grass incorporates many vitamins, microelements, essential oils.

And what magnificent kvass with marjoram was done in Russia. It and now is cooked in villages. Kvass will saturate and will please magnificent smell during hot heat. Refined fans to pochayovnichat make tea with marjoram. It both heart will calm, and will warm the soul. For tea leaves take flowers and young escapes.

Tea from marjoram has curative properties at catarrhal diseases as sudorific. Strengthens nervous system, digestion. Improves appetite.

In traditional medicine the grass is applied at various female diseases, from here she has received the name materinka.

The marjoram is used for compresses and aromatization of bathtubs. It enters various grass pharmaceutical collecting.

In the perfumery industry from grass receive essential oils which add by production of colognes and toilet water.

In tinctorial production it finds application to receive dyes. So, from flowers receive orange and red color. From stalks - brown color.

Marjoram fine melliferous herb. During blossoming it well attracts bees on the site.

Flower growers love this fragrant plant for unpretentiousness, frost resistance and long blossoming. Many call its winter marjoram.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
