Huge number of devices allows the modern person to spend minimum of time and forces on cooking, cleaning in kitchen and washing of ware. However the width of the range of many nonpluses: what type of household appliances to prefer if there are several similar options at once?
Multi-function printers the blender and the food processor are designed to facilitate life to the hostess. They undertake all complex work connected with the shredder, beating and cutting of products. To learn to what device to give preference and what will be more favorable to be bought, it is necessary to understand features of the equipment well.
The blender – pluses and minuses
Today in shops of the equipment it is possible to meet both manual or submersible, and stationary blenders. But it will be possible to find also the combined model combining possibilities of two types of devices.
The blender is suitable more for work with liquid food whereas the combine is capable to crush, chop or grate even very firm vegetables and fruit.
Stationary blenders are supplied with bowls on supports, depending on the brand, the equipment can cope with wide range of tasks – preparation of the test, puree, sauce, ice cream, creams, mixing of cocktails and not only. To turn on the wonderful device, it is only necessary to load products into bowl and to press the button. As a rule, such devices cost cheaper, than blenders manual, but it is not so convenient to wash them. Manual blenders occupy minimum of the place and can be used to preparation of both big, and small portions. Functional devices allow to regulate consistence of puree or sauce, plus the blender should be held in hand all the time. Submersible models are not suitable for splitting of ice and work with the dense test.
Advantages and shortcomings of food processors
"Relative" of normal food processors is the combined blender. Such equipment is called still mini-combines, but all of them have less opportunities, than the stationary combine. The powerful combine is capable to knead dense dough, to shake up cream of any consistence, to make mincemeat and to crush vegetables. However, the range of opportunities is not limited to this list. The cost of food processors it is traditional above, than on blenders. Therefore proceeding their requirements, it is possible to save on purchase, having chosen model with the necessary volume of bowl. For example, family of three people the combine equipped with two-liter capacity for crushing suffices.
Manual blenders can be and wireless. The find optimum will be suitable for you if you often leave on picnics or giving. But such blenders have small functionality.
So, it is possible to call food processors the universal equipment, she can carry out even difficult tasks. Blenders, though concede on functionality, cost cheaper, also these devices take less places. And if you have small kitchen, then it is more logical to choose between three types of blenders. And if you dream to surprise relatives with culinary masterpieces daily – stop attention on the reliable combine.