Not all window plants demand large amount of solar color. There are many plants which feel in shadow much more comfortably that allows to decorate with them even not too lit apartments.
1. All plants given below remarkably feel in dark rooms in which there is not enough sun. Pots with them it is possible to have far from windows in depth of rooms.
2. Beauty of plant under the name of aglaonem — in surprising motley oblong leaves. This flower is not too exacting to leaving, it slowly grows and does not demand change less than every three years. Aglaonema loves humid air and heat therefore it needs to be sprayed periodically, at the same time she is not on friendly terms with direct sunshine at all. You should not grow up her in full shadow as it harms decorative effect of leaves which at total absence of sunlight lose the uzorchatost.
3. One of the most hardy plants — aspidistra. British call this plant pig-iron. To aspidistra will not damage either rare watering, or dirty air, or low humidity, but here direct sunshine can strongly burn its leaflets so it is desirable to hold pot with this flower from window far away. It is possible to replace aspidistra every five years and only in urgent cases.
4. Asplenium — one more shade-loving plant. It is fern, and quite big, its decorative leaves can reach length over half a meter. As well as all ferns, asplenium humid air and shadow prefers, it needs to be sprayed regularly. You should not place pot with this plant near the battery as warm and dry air can do much harm to asplenium.
5. Poinsettia — remarkable and very unpretentious plant. To most of people it is known as "Christmas star" as the poinsettia blossoms just by Catholic Christmas. Care for this flower is very simple. The poinsettia can grow in any place where there are no drafts, the shadow does not harm it as she does not love bright beams of the sun, and too abundant lighting in general can slow down formation of buds. If you have warmed balcony - it is the perfect place for poinsettia as from the middle she needs to spend falls in complete darkness not less than fourteen hours, it guarantees the beginning of blossoming by New year. The blossomed flowers can hold on on plant up to six months, especially if indoor temperature is not too high.
6. Arrowroot three-colored — extraordinary beautiful plant possessing leaves with accurately expressed difficult pattern. This plant not too loves direct sunshine, prefers abundant watering and very humid air. That the arrowroot was pleasing to the eye, surely regularly to water it and to spray. It is possible to replace it not more often than every two years, and pot it is better to take plastic as it holds water better.