Why at ficus turn yellow and fall down leaves

Why at ficus turn yellow and fall down leaves

Housekeeping Hits: 143

Flower growers who grow up ficuses sometimes face such problem as yellowing and subsidence of leaves at the favourites. Before starting resuscitation of plant, it is necessary to find out the reason of this phenomenon.

Natural causes

Leaves at ficus can fall down in the fall and is natural process in the winter, the number of fallen leaves makes usually 10-20% of the general green material. At healthy plant fall down only the lower leaves.

Change of usual conditions

The ficus begins to dump leaves because of sharp changes of temperature, reduction of light, transfer from the warm room in more cool.

As ficuses do not love changes, it is desirable to choose for it certain place at once and further not to disturb plant.

Air temperature and lighting

Not to allow disease of ficuses, they should not be put on marble and tiled floors and cold windowsills as roots of these plants painfully react to cold. In winter time trace that your favourite did not adjoin to plain glass.

The best temperature for Benjamin's ficus is 18-25os, for poecilophyllous individuals warmer conditions are required. At too high temperature the plant begins to suffer, at it leaves begin to wither. As the ficus loves light, it is not necessary to keep it in the shaded place, but also under direct sunshine the plant cannot be put. Best of all the spacious light room without drafts will be suitable for your green friend.

Wrong watering

Can turn yellow and fall down leaves at ficus because of the wrong watering. At excessive moistening the roots at plant begin to rot that leads at first to his disease, and then and death. If your plant has suffered from overwetting, let's the soil dry within one and a half-two weeks. During this time the condition of ficus has to be normalized. If it did not become better for it, it is necessary to replace flower to other soil, having removed before it the decayed roots and having placed root system in the container with weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Wreckers and diseases

Can fall down leaves at ficuses because of fungal diseases and also wreckers – pincers, trips, shchitovka, plant louse and mealy scales. Attentively examine the green friend if you find on him web, damages and insects, urgently process plant special medicines.

Shortage of iron

Young leaves often begin to turn yellow because of lack of the soil of iron. In such cases of plant it is necessary to feed up ferrovity or iron chelate. It is necessary to feed up ficus during growth, that is from March to September. A day before the procedure the plant needs to be watered that fertilizer has not burned root system.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
