Large, bright and healthy leaves are one of signs that the plant feels perfectly. However it happens that at the window plant looking quite healthy leaves gradually become shallow. The flower growers parting violets sometimes face such problem.
The reasons for which leaves can izmelchatnedostatok of light is one of basic reasons on which at houseplants leaves become shallow. At violets at the same time scapes are extended and coloring of sheet plate can change slightly. The beginning flower growers quite often plant all plants in soil mix of identical structure that is not absolutely reasonable as some plants prefer subacidic soil, others suit neutral. Incorrectly picked up earth for window plants can cause that leaves at plant became small. Owners of the anturiums landed in soil with alkaline reaction whereas this plant prefers subacidic soils sometimes face such problem. The flower growers who have undertaken cultivation of dieffenbachias face similar problem too. Can lead lack of nutrients of the earth and excessive thickening to degeneration of leaves. The violet which was not replaced several years in new soil can cease to please the flower grower with the exterior. Ways of elimination problemynedostatok of lighting can be corrected, having used the fluorescent lamp for additional illumination. It becomes especially relevant with approach of winter when duration of daylight is reduced. For violets, especially, if their whole collection, it is possible to arrange rack with illumination. The plant acquired in shop should be replaced in the soil mix suitable for it. For violets it is the soil mixed from two parts of sand, two parts of humus, one part of the cespitose earth and four parts sheet. Anturiums will feel not bad in light fibrous mix of one part of the cespitose earth, two parts of chopped moss and the same amount of peat. The plant which leaves crushed because it was long not replaced to the new soil can be helped, having replaced it in fresh substrate. It is worth making with violets which it is recommended to grow up this operation in pots of the small size annually. At change it is necessary to separate affiliated sockets from adult plant and to implant them in damp substrate.