Why strawberry blossoms, and there are no berries

Why strawberry blossoms, and there are no berries

If time of harvesting of strawberry approaches, but there are practically no berries on bushes, then it is necessary to deal urgently with the reasons of the similar phenomenon and to try to get rid of them, otherwise it will be simple to do preparations to you there is nothing.

The reasons of lack of berries on bushes of strawberry can be a little, the most widespread - to plants is more than five years. The sockets put five and more than years ago, usually cease to fructify therefore you should not expect from them some berries. Everything that you can make in this case, it to remove old bushes, and on their place to put younger.

If you have planted new bushes at the end of summer (in August), then the lack of berries the next year - it is quite natural. The fact is that plants have let all forces to korneobrazovaniye, and here for underlay of flower kidneys the bushes lacked time - there have come frosts. If you are going to plant strawberry and the next year to reap crop, then plant strawberry no later than July.

If two-four-year strawberry badly blossoms, and in last year from the same bushes the considerable crop, then the main reason of the events - insufficient watering and the shortage of nutrients has been reaped. You remember, after harvesting strawberry it is necessary to water and not to forget to feed up in due time, and it is required to do it till September. Yes, from bushes this year you will not pick some berries any more, however this leaving will help plants to stuff up flower kidneys for the next year.

Adverse weather during blossoming is one more reason of lack of ovaries. For example, if in days of blossoming almost daily there are pouring rains, then insects cannot just pollinate plant. Similar can occur also for cause of illness of bees, destructions of slots of bumblebees (often occurs at plowing-up of the big areas of the earth). To attract insects to strawberry, it is necessary to spray bushes with warm water with addition in it small amount of oil of anise.

If strawberry it is abundant blossoms, but flowers fall down (pedicels wither), then in this case, most likely, the reason - attack of wreckers (weevil). It is necessary to struggle with wreckers by spraying by special ""Fitoverm"" medicines, it is only necessary to do it after harvesting. If in last year the weevil attacked strawberry, then surely around bed with berries seat garlic and occasionally shear the formed arrows. The smell of garlic frightens off many wreckers including weevil.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
