Make-up for beginners

Make-up for beginners

any cosmetic shop now such variety of cosmetic products that it is even easy for skilled person in affairs of make-up to become puzzled. How here to be to the beginner? To the one who has for the first time decided to apply on himself fighting color there are several useful tips.

What the proofreader or concealer is better to use?

What the proofreader or concealer is better to use?

masking of minor defects of skin it is possible to use both the proofreader, and concealer. At the same time for the solution of different problems it is necessary to select various adjusting means.

How to pick up make-up to nut eyes

How to pick up make-up to nut eyes

color of eyes is really unique as it constantly changes shades, turning into dark brown, into emerald-green. For this reason to pick up make-up to owners of such color of eyes becomes time very difficult.

How to make expressive the face

How to make expressive the face

way to make the face expressive by means of make-up is called konturing. The effect of this way is simply amazing. If you correctly execute it, other elements of make-up will recede into the background - your face and without them will look fresh and young. It is possible just to use slightly eye shadow pencil, to make up eyelashes and to apply gloss on lips. And you look perfectly.

Ideal make-up - what it?

Ideal make-up - what it?

make-up is that which is almost not noticeable, but at the same time hides all shortcomings of face skin, does lips fuller, eyes - expressive, skin - shining. To learn technology of creation of ideal make-up, it is necessary to solve secrets of experienced makeup artists.