How to straighten board

How to straighten board

Because of the properties wood is in demand when finishing rooms. It is natural eco-friendly material which does not emit hazardous substances and keeps heat. However during the work with it it is necessary to consider that the tree well absorbs in itself moisture therefore can lead boards. The equal crude board is surely deformed when dries. What to do if it after all has occurred? Actually it is a little options.

How to dry wood

How to dry wood

At construction and production of various products use only dry-through wood with humidity no more than 4-12%, depending on the place of its use. The most favorable type of drying is drying in special cameras which are manufactured on industrial production and have the replaceable modes of temperature. Such drying of wood which is the most suitable for its further use. However, it is expensive option. In house conditions wood can be dried in a different way.

As it is better to glue tree

As it is better to glue tree

Wood has ability to pasting, and it distinguishes it from many other types of construction and finishing materials. As a result of pasting the permanent connection turns out and if 50 years ago it was applied as joiner's connection, then today pasting is applied to improve physicomechanical indicators of wood.

How to glue boards

From small pieces of boards it is possible to stick together designs practically of any form. It is for this purpose better to use undersized wood of the lowered quality with removal of knots and defects. Glued joints are strong, waterproof, do not give in to decay. The stuck together wooden products are reliable and serve long.

Of what tree it is better to do furniture

Of what tree it is better to do furniture

In spite of the fact that now there is set of materials which replace tree, it still remains relevant material for production of furniture. However not any wood can become chair or table. There are such trees. which are used only in construction, but not in joiner's business.