As find the area of a parallelogram

As find the area of a parallelogram

Parallelogram is the quadrangle which opposite sides lie on parallel straight lines, that is are in pairs parallel. The name of this geometrical figure comes from a combination of two Greek words: parallelos – parallel and gram – the line.


1. To find the area of a parallelogram lower from any point of any its party a perpendicular to the opposite side. The received piece between the points lying on parallel straight lines which support the parties of a parallelogram is its height. This piece has to be perpendicular to both opposite sides of a parallelogram.

2. Measure parallelogram height length.

3. Measure length of the party of a parallelogram to which height is carried out. In this case this party is the parallelogram basis.

4. Increase parallelogram basis length by its height and receive its area.

5. In a different way it is possible to calculate the area of a parallelogram, having multiplied lengths of two adjacent parties and a sine of the angle between them.

6. Also the area of a parallelogram can be determined, having halved the work of its diagonals on a sine of the angle between them.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
