Known we on icons and numerous medieval pictures can hardly consider initial shape of Jesus Christ plausible. Too high Jesus, blue-eyed with delicate features, is not similar to residents of Judea of the beginning of our era. On the other hand, if Christ really was a Godman, then he quite could have also the shape distinguishing it from others.
1. Disputes on Jesus's appearance do not cease to this day. It would be logical to address the Bible, but in it there are no accurate descriptions of Christ. It is said only that Jesus's essence will open looking with belief and that externally Christ had no greatness.
2. The Bibles and the Roman historian of the second century Tsels echoes, saying that appearance Jesus differed in nothing from other residents of Judea. However, Tsels, unlike the Bible, in general refuses to Jesus divinity, proving his humanity usual appearance. He says that the divine spirit which got to human flesh is obliged to improve it, to allocate a body from the general human weight.
3. Christ's apostles also do not mention his appearance anywhere, so, it was not important for them at all, therefore, it should not concern also present believers in him. Early Christians represented Christ only in the form of allegorical images - a lamb, a dolphin, fishes. But in the 7th century such images were forbidden, the new tradition of the image of Jesus was established, according to it we also represent Christ now.
4. Not only theologians, but also scientists deal with an issue of appearance of Jesus. The prominent anthropologist Richard Niamh who developed a technique of computer recovery of appearance by the remained fragments of skeletons tried to recreate Jesus Christ's appearance. For this purpose several well remained male skulls of residents of Galilee of the beginning of our era were used. As a result of serious work the scientists received an approximate portrait of the typical Semite of the first century - it is low (about 155 cm) the person of a dense constitution, with dark olive skin, the wide person, a thick black curly hair and brown eyes. There are no bases to consider that Jesus looked differently. If to consider that the most part of life Jesus was engaged in carpenter's craft, it is possible to assume that his body was much more brawny, than it is accepted to represent.