Snakes — beautiful, graceful and very dangerous beings. Despite the lack of legs, they are able to move pretty fast. There are four main types of snake movements.
Dragons are not too rapid creations
It should be noted that snakes seldom gather really impressive speed. The majority of types moves not quicker than eight kilometers per hour, but the black mamba, for example, is able to creep with a speed from sixteen to nineteen kilometers per hour.
One of the main ways of the movement - the movement by an accordion. The snake at first collects all the body in folds, then, having fixed a tail tip on one place, she pushes herself forward. After that she tightens a back part of a body, again gathering in folds.
The second way of movement — the movement by a caterpillar. Thus snakes move in a straight line and overcome some bottlenecks. At this way of a dragon involves the large scales located at it on a belly. It immerses them in the earth as if small shovels. When the scale appears in the earth, the snake muscles shifts it to a tail. As a result scales in turn make a start from the earth that allows a snake to move. This method is similar to rowing which people use for movement in boats. The movement of scales is similar on movements of oars.
Amazing show
The characteristic coiling movement is used by snakes for movement on rather rigid earth. To advance itself, the snake rests against roots, stones, sticks and other firm objects, bending a body aside. At this way of movement of a dragon reduces side muscles alternately, as allows it to creep forward. Such wavy movements are a basis of crawling of snakes. From outside this show bewitches. The reptile as if not movably lies, but at the same time is imperceptible for an eye flows forward. This feeling of ease and obscurity of the movement is deceptive. Dragons are surprisingly strong creations, their smooth movements are provided with synchronous and measured work of muscles. The fourth type of the movement call the side course or twisting. It is characteristic generally of the snakes living in the desert. By means of it like the movement they move on friable sand, and do it surprisingly quickly. The side course is called so as at first the head of a snake is displaced on diagonal forward and aside, and already then it tightens a body. At first it leans on a back part of a body, then — on a lobby. Such type of movement leaves on sand strange parallel marks with characteristic hooks on the ends of pieces. There are also other ways of movement of snakes. The paradise snakes living in Indochina, Indonesia and on Fillipinakh live on palm trees. If they want to replace the habitat, they just fly on other tree. Actually they, of course, jump. Before a jump the paradise snake does very deep sigh to create an air chamber in a body which works as a parachute. It allows it to plan for impressive distance to thirty with small meters.