How to calculate relative indicators

How to calculate relative indicators

Relative indicators are intended to characterize intensity of the happening changes of the measured size. For their location it is necessary to know absolute values at least in two points of measurements - for example, on two marks of a timeline. Therefore relative indicators are considered as secondary in relation to absolute, but nevertheless, without them it is difficult to estimate an overall picture of the changes happening to the measured parameter.


1. You divide one absolute measure into another to receive the value of a relative indicator characterizing the happened changes of absolute measures. In numerator it is necessary to put that absolute measure which is current (or "compared"), and in a denominator there has to be an absolute measure to which the current value is compared - it is called "basis" or "base of comparison". The result of division (that is a relative indicator) will express how much the current absolute measure is more basic or how many units of the current value are the share of each unit basic.

2. If the compared absolute values have identical units of measure (for example, quantity of the made howitzers), then the relative indicator received in calculation result, as a rule, is expressed as a percentage, per thousand, to a prodetsimilla or in coefficients. In coefficients the relative indicator is expressed in case the basic absolute measure is accepted equal to unit. If to replace unit with one hundred, then the relative indicator will be expressed as a percentage if in one million - in per mille and if in ten million - in the prodetsimill. When compare two sizes having different units of measure (for example, howitzers and population of the country), the received relative indicator is expressed in the called sizes (for example, howitzers per capita).

3. Use any calculator for finding of numerical value of a relative indicator. This operation does not demand calculation of any special functions, and represents ordinary operation of division of two numbers therefore practically each serviceable calculator will approach.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
