Light vermishelevy soup it is especially good when it is cooked on transparent chicken broth. Cook pasta soup on once if you repeatedly boil it, then vermicelli will become digested and tasteless. If you prepare a big pan of soup, then use in the way of addition of vermicelli in a plate at once.
It is required to you
- unpitted chicken breast;
- carrots (2 pieces);
- onions (1 piece);
- potatoes (3 pieces);
- vermicelli (150 g);
- fresh greens.
1. Cook broth. Wash up unpitted chicken breast under the crane. Put in a pan and fill in with cold water. Densely cover and put on strong fire. When water begins to boil, reduce heating that boiling of water was weak.
2. Remove a skimmer the appearing foam. You cook a breast about an hour. Salt broth at the end of cooking.
3. Get a breast from broth. Separate meat and small cut.
4. If broth turned out insufficiently transparent, beat one crude protein. Put a pan with broth on fire and pour in it in protein a thin stream. Let's begin to boil. Switch off heating and filter broth through a small sieve in other pan.
5. Peel several potatoes. Cut them in cubes and put in the boiling broth.
6. Exempt a napiform bulb from a peel and chop it. Grate the washed-up and peeled carrots or cut thin circles. Slightly fry onions with carrots in a hot frying pan in oil. Add the browned vegetables to broth.
7. Pasta can be entered into soup in two ways. Depending on amount of the made soup choose for yourself suitable option.
8. The first way. Boil water in a small saucepan. Fill up in it vermicelli and boil thoroughly 2 minutes. Then drain water through a colander. pasta in the boiling water will keep transparency of broth.
9. The second way. Put on fire a saucepan with water. When water begins to boil, salt it, add a spoon of vegetable oil and fill up vermicelli. Boil pasta until ready. Cast away on a colander. Put in a container. Add vermicelli to a plate at once and fill in with hot ready soup.
10. At table layout by a lunch put a beautiful pan from the parsley cut by greens and fennel that persons interested could strew soup at themselves in a plate.