How to find own vectors and own values for matrixes

How to find own vectors and own values for matrixes

By consideration of the matter it is necessary to remember that all used objects are vectors, and n-dimensional. At their record no distinctive signs corresponding to classical vectors are used.


1. Number k is called own value (number) of a matrix And if there is a vector x such that Ax=kx. (1) At the same time the vector x is called own vector of a matrix And, corresponding to number k. In R^n space (see fig. 1) the matrix And has an appearance as in the drawing.

2. It is necessary to set the task of finding ownof numbers and vectors of a matrix of A. Pust own vector x it is set by coordinates. In a matrix form he will register a matrix column which for convenience should be presented in the transposed line. X = (x1, x2, …, xn) ^T.Исходя from (1), Akh-kkh =0 or Akh-kekh =0 where E is a single matrix (units are located on the diagonal main thing, all the rest elements – zero). Then (A-kE) x =0. (2)

3. Expression (2) is the system of the linear uniform algebraic equations which has the nonzero decision (own vector). Therefore the main determinant of a system (2) is equal to zero, that is |A-kE| =0. (3) The last equality of rather own value k is called the characteristic equation of a matrix And yes in expanded form has an appearance (see fig. 2).

4. This algebraic equation of n-y of degree. The valid roots of the characteristic equation are own numbers (values) of a matrix And.

5. Substituting root k of the characteristic equation in a system (2), receive the uniform system of the linear equations with a degenerate matrix (its determinant is equal to zero). Each nonzero solution of this system represents own vector of a matrix And, corresponding to this own number k (that is to a root of the characteristic equation).

6. Example. To find own values and vectors of a matrix And (see rice 3). Decision. The characteristic equation is presented in fig. 3. Open determinant and find own numbers of a matrix which are roots of this equation (3-k) (-1-k)-5=0, (k-3) (k+1)-5=0, k^2-2k-8=0. Its roots k1=4, k2=-2

7. a) Own vectors corresponding to k1=4 are, through the solution of a system (A-4kE) x =0. At the same time only one its equation as the determinant of a system is obviously equal to zero is required. If to put x = (x1, x2) ^T, then the first equation of x1+x2=0 system (1-4),-3x1+x2=0. If to assume that h1=1 (only not zero), then h2=3. As as is wished there is a lot of nonzero decisions at a uniform system with a degenerate matrix, all set of own vectors corresponding to the first own number x = C1(1, 3), C1=const.

8. b) Find own vectors corresponding to k2=-2. At the solution of a system (A+2kE) x =0, its first equation (3+2) h1+ h2=0, 5х1+ h2=0. If to put h1=1, then h2=-5. Corresponding own vectors x = C2(1, 3), C2=const. The general set of all own vectors of the set matrix: x = C1(1, 3) + C2(1, 3).

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
