Some parents, helping the children to Jr. school students with doing homework on mathematics, get to the deadlock, having forgotten rules of finding of value of expression. The set of questions, as a rule, arises in the course of the solution of tasks from the program 4 classes. It is connected with increase in number of written calculations, emergence of multidigit numbers and also actions with them. Nevertheless, these rules are rather simple, and it is very easy to remember them.
It is required to you
- - textbook;
- - draft copy;
- - handle.
1. Rewrite mathematical expression from the textbook in the draft copy. Accustom the child to carry out all calculations at first in the draft copy, in order to avoid dirt in a workbook.
2. Count the number of necessary actions and think in what order they should be carried out. If you the matter complicates, pay attention that before others the operations bracketed then – division and multiplication are performed; addition and subtraction are made in the last turn. That it was easier for child to remember an algorithm of the performed operations, in expression over each sign operator of actions (+, *, :) a thin pencil put down the figures corresponding to an order of performance of actions.
3. Start performance of the first action, adhering to an established order. Do mental arithmetic if it is easy to perform operations orally. If written calculations are required (in a column), carry out their record under expression, specifying serial number of action.
4. Accurately keep track of the sequence of the performed operations, estimate that from what it is necessary to subtract that what to divide, etc. into. Very often the answer in expression turns out incorrect because of the made mistakes at this stage.
5. You watch that the child in the course of calculations did not use the calculator as all meaning of studying mathematics which consists in development of logic and thinking is in that case lost.
6. Do not solve a task for the child - let him carry out him, you only have to put his actions on the right track. Appeal to his memory, you ask to remember how the teacher explained material during a lesson.
7. Having performed one after another all operations and having found value of expression which the answer in the last action is, write down it in an expression condition after the sign "equally".
8. If at the end of the textbook answers to tasks are provided, compare the received result to the correct number. In case of discrepancy of data start repeated calculations.