How to lead fractions to the smallest denominator

How to lead fractions to the smallest denominator

Reduction of fraction to the smallest denominator is called in a different way reduction of fraction. If as a result of mathematical operations at you the fraction with large numbers in numerator and a denominator turned out, check whether it is possible to reduce it.

It is required to you

  • - knowledge of a subject simple fractions;
  • - skills of the arithmetic account.


1. For this purpose it is necessary to find the general multiplier – number on which without the rest both the numerator, and a denominator will share. For example, you had as a result of calculations a fraction: 20/50. At once is evident that both parts can easily be reduced by 10. As a result you receive fraction 2/5 where 5 and the smallest denominator for this fraction.6/36 it will be possible to reduce to 1/6; fraction 24/36 = 2/3; and for fraction 14/49 after its reduction the smallest denominator will be 7 (2/7).

2. Often as a result of calculations you can receive a so-called improper fraction in which the numerator is presented by a large number, than a denominator. For example, 154/8. To lead such fraction to the smallest denominator, it should be changed, turned previously into correct. Divide numerator into a denominator and allocate integers. As a result you receive: 154: 8 = 19, 4/8. Having reduced the turned-out proper fraction at integer 19, you have the final answer 19 whole and 1/2.

3. To make actions of addition or subtraction with simple fractions which have different denominators all these fractions - composed it is necessary to lead to the smallest common denominator. It will be number on which without the rest denominators of the presented fractions will share. For example, for drobey1/9 and 2/7naimenshim a common denominator is number 63.

4. And if to complicate an example of the third composed: 1/9 + 2/7 + 3/5 =, the smallest common denominator will represent already the work of three numbers: 9 x 7 x 5 = 315. Multiple from a common denominator and a denominator of fraction increase by its numerator and with the received results you make the planned action.1 x is 35 + 2 x 46 + 3 x 63 = 35 + 92 + 189 = 316 a numerator. The fraction turned out 316/315. Turn fraction into correct and you remove result: 1 whole and 1/315.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
